I am Belinda, almost 21, Am Engaged to my fiance Paul and have been for a whole year now and we have been together for nearly 4 years, sometimes i dunno what i'd do with out him. We are Building our first house!
Am the type of person were you pretty much get what you see and i will not change for anyone. I'd consider myself to be an outgoing person with a wacky personality, strong, opinionated without being arrogant, yet caring and will def do anything for my close friends and family. I'm the kind of person who will wear socks with thongs in public and often my Masuers, embarrassing i know! My parents are amazing people, they have taught me most of what i have learn't in life, good or bad. I come from a family of 10, pretty grateful for the family I have including those who aren't around anymore, it sounds very cliche but not a day goes by were i dont sit back and think about those i love and remember the good times.
These days i try to find a reason to appreciate everyone in some way because you honestly don't know what you got, until its gone! Everyone has a story to tell so listen and try not to judge a book by its cover, i try damn hard to not make assumptions but i like everyone else in this world am not perfect.
I pride myself on being a walking street directory, only need to be shown a place once and ill always remember! I enjoy sittin back and observing.
I appreciate those who work hard for what they have. It bugs me when people take and don't give all the time.
I like to dance like a mum and drink, but i cant do one without the other. I Enjoy a nice glass of wine be it cheap or expensive... as long as its effective, thats all that matters!
I live for fresh socks and towels (and lots of them).
I have Fasta Pasta 2wice a week if its a good week!
Love collecting photos and other sentimental things given to me and only me.
I like to talk to any one who can hold a good convo or have a laugh, i don't like awkward silences!
I'm a people pleaser, as long as everyone is happy so am i! I Want to be a 5-0 (cop) one day... ultimate dream!
I have the worst guilty conscience ever.. I think way too much and over analize everything. Its the simple things in life i live for, laughing with my bro's and sisters, dancing up a storm with the girls and cuddling up with paul.
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