Miss Thing (aka Janice) profile picture

Miss Thing (aka Janice)

Friend To All, Except Mean And Hateful People

About Me

I am a very complex person, but I love to get to know people, Send me a friend Invite and I'll most likely except, IF YOU ARE A REAL PERSON THAT IS! By the way, PLEASE CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE I LISTED IN MY 'I'D LIKE TO MEET' SECTION. You Should visit them if you are a man and tell every man you know to visit them, I promise if you are a guy YOU NEED TO SEE THIS WEBWSITE, (IT IS NOTHING NASTY OR PORN LIKE AT ALL, i SWEAR TO YOU!) Please take a few seconds and check it out!

My Interests

I LOVE MUSIC AND MOVIES, especially dram and action movies, I like horror to, the old horror movies from the 80s are best though. You can't mess with Jason and Freddy!

Create a Lava Lamp

I'd like to meet:

I don't have anyone specific in mind but I would love to meet Jim morrison, Hendrix, Joplin, and Lennon, that is if I could of course. Sadly I can only Dream :( I have a website that I'd really like you to check out if you are a guy, it is not nasty or porno, it is simply very important to every mans health and if you are a guy you have got to read it. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WEBSITE THAT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO EVERY MANS HEALTH .


Not a huge fan of Country but I try to be open minded, I like rap, old stuff from the 90s, most new rappers are playede out before they get started. LOVE ROCK MUSIC, especially the icons from the 60's and 70's. SOmetmes I think I should have been born few decades before I was, LOL!


CAN"T GET ENOUGH ACTION AND SUSPENSE, Like I said, horror is ok, but SAW and HOSTEL are trying just a bit to much for me, give me Friday 13th, Scream, Halloween over the new basically porn masked in a wannabe horror movie crap any day!


Don't watch as much as I'd like live, mostly recorded TV watcher. Will and Grace I thought was hysterical, I like heroes also, and Arrested Development (SIGH) Why couldn't people have watched that show when it was around?


I'll pass here, My reading has been infrequent at best over the past 2 years


I don't really have any heroes per say. People should look within themselves for strength and try to be kind to others in life, instead of worshipping people that should be looking at as your equal at best or worse yet people you don't even know.