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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey guys my name is Kayla Olsen. I live in Butte Montana. I'm 20. I have green eyes and i stand bout 5'4". Kinda short I know but whatever... When I'm not working I love just having fun. Being around new faces... well most times anyway. Sometimes i just need to shut everyone out, keeps me sane if ya know what i mean. I believe that you shouldnt have any regrets in life cause back then you did what you wanted at that exact point in time. The other big thing that i believe that you should live in the moment instead of the future. That may just be some of my mom that has rubbed off on me, but if you think bout it life is too short to worry about tomorrow let alone six months down the road. live your life one day at a time and live it to the fullest to your ability....

Myspace Layouts at / White on black

Contact Tables

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Really I'm up to meeting anyone... If you just pay attention to someone and listen to them you can find out new things about them everyday. But a big part of that is not judging the book by the cover you know!?! If you do that your gonna end up never knowing a really great person. But until the next person comes along I am perfectly content with everyone I know right now...

>"*A friend is someone who seen the tears in ur eyes while everyone else was being fooled by the smile*""*Tears are the words ur heartuses 2 explain when even ur fake smile cant cover up the pain*"<..
The Basic Crap...
Name (what your friends call you, and if you have none .. then your gay): Kayla
Hometown: Butte
Age: 20
Hair: varies but ya I am a true blonde
Eyes: green
Hieght: 5' 5"
Do you...
Have any tatoos or peircings (other then ears ...): nose, tounge, belly, of couse a few ear peircings, but soon to be 2 more and those I aint gonna tell. but tats only 1
Have any siblings: nope
Have any regrets: nope cause i made my choices
Have a boyfriend/Girlfriend: not at the moment sumwhat searchen though
Have you Ever ...
Toked it up: maybe
Died ??? (serious face) .. hey .. you'd be surprised .. lol .: what?!?
Been skinny dipping: hellz ya
Had your Heart Broken: kinda didnt give him my whole heart though
Broke someone elses .. ? u would have to ask them
Lied about something dumb: ya who hasent
Been arrested: haha kinda
Been convicted: nothen but m.i.p s and dissorderly's
Told a secret you were suposed to keep ? ya
Done something bad to a friend..: not that i can think of
Been sooo blazed you forgot where you were (haha .. good times): ohh fuck ya that shit sucks
Stood someone up: haha ya
Cheated on your guy/girl: hellz no u crazy i would feel hella bad
How often Do You ..
Bath: once or twice a day
Brush your teeth: 2 x a day
Get high if ever .. ??? not telling
Lie: not very damn often
Go out: not as ofter as i used to. too damn busy
Do these surveys: not very
Right now are you ..
Mad ..: na
Sad: not really
Depressed: nope
Tired: fuck yes
Hungry: kinda
Bored (don't lie .. its an obvious one .. i mean your taking a survey...): ya
What/Who's your Favorite ...
Food: mexican or hot wings
Cartoon: roadrunner
Video Game: i dont really play video games
Drink: homeade kaluha or malabu
Restraunt: derby of course why the hellz u think i work there... the good pay
Place to go: by a river in the middle of butt fuck nowhere
Person to hang out with: theres a couple
Person to make out with: ummm hows that ur business???
Saying you say ..: u tell me
Who was first ?
Girl/Boyfriend: haha real boyfriend or when i was little
Best Friend: Allen Craig
Gardian: allen
Person you kissed: me to know and well u wanna find out just ask
What or with who was the best ..?
kiss you ever had: cant tell
Drugs you ever tried (for this put what and who with)..if you ever did: coke
Feeling you ever had ..(details...nothing nasty perves..): hahaha do u really wanna know
Lie you ever told (details): ohh fuck i dont know
Food you ever tasted: fries
Drink you ever drank: homeade kaluha and iced milk
Time of your life: ohhh just one what bout just life in genral
And the worst ..?
kiss you ever had: Ya there has been a few
Drugs you ever tried: there is one but i aint sayen nuthen
Feeling you ever had: feeling alone when there is ppl around
Lie you ever told: haha u dont wanna know
Food you ever tasted: enchaludas
Drink you drank: gin
Time of your life: umm
<3Opposite Sex<3
Eyes or Lips: both
Scrawny or Built: well sumwhat built at least
Trouble maker or Brown Noser: trouble maker
Huggs or Kisses: both
Personality or Looks .. hmmm?? little of both
Smart or Dumb: haha both
Education or Money: education
Today Have you...
Laughed: ya
Cried: not yet
Cussed: ya
Loved: na
Been told "I <3 you": no
Said "I <3 you": no
Yelled (if so ... at who and why): dont think so
Toked it up (haha .. ): not saying a word
Lied: not that i know of
Been lied to .. ? If you know of course ...: donno
Been Hugged: ya
Called somebody just to say Hi=): ya
Gave somebody a complement: yep
Critisized someone (shame shame .. unless of course they diserved it .. lol .): nope
Sang out loud: hahaha ya
Do you ..
Fall asleep standing sometimes: no
Sing in the shower: hellz ya thats the best time to sing
Have a crush: kinda
Dance in front of people: when im drunk
Snort when you laugh ..: no
Cheer people up when their sad: try to
Have one friend how knows everything about you (EVERYTHING): ya
Sleep in class: ya
Have a good or bad self esteem ? lil of both depends on the mood
Which One?
Coffee or Cappachino: either of they both have caffine
School or work ...ooh a tuffy .. lol: school
Girls or Guys (which one are most of your friends): guys
Hook ups or Romance: whatever
Wild Flowers or Roses: wild flowers
Fall or Summer: fall
Winter or Spring: both
Dogs or cats: dogs
Groups or just two (when your hanging out): either or
Single or Taken: single
Scary movies or Funny: both
When on a date...
Dress casual or freak out to find just the right outfit ...: i will wear what ever it dont matter
Stay at home or Go out: both
Groups of couples: no go
Random ..
When your alone, you ...: listen to music and just think
What do you miss most often: old friends
Any phobias ..: spiders
Overrr 100 Things about yourself .. do tell .. SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz

My Blog

What to do

So have you ever noticed how life loves to give you choices and no matter how confusing they may be you have to choose a road... And once you take that road you seem more flippen confused then you sta...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 13:05:00 GMT

Insane Driver!!!!
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 16:17:00 GMT

Am I just Krazy....

So now could this shit just be depression or what the fuck is goen on i feel like sayen fuck it to everything... my job, my friends this town ,all of it. The sad thing is i cant seem to figure out why...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:29:00 GMT

ok so what the fuck am i supose to do???

ok so now what the fuck am i supose to do?!? i wanna just go, move to alaska in like the next month in tired of all the bull shit in this town. The people and their games, shit just everything in gene...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:26:00 GMT

To The Guys...

45 things a girl wants but wont ask for:1. Touch her waist.2. Actually talk to her.3. Share secrets with her.4. Give her your jacket.5. Kiss her slowly.Are you remembering this?6. Hug her.7. Hold her....
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:03:00 GMT

Cold and Heartless....

        What makes a person cold and heartless? Is that person born with it? Or maybe its the drugs that they have done or something terrable in thier life has trama...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:16:00 GMT

The confusement

        Confusement and wonder are the two major things that are tearing me apart. What do i do or what do i say??? I find myself sitten up at nite thinking is it re...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:07:00 GMT

is this going to turn out to be yet another broken promise???

     Is this gonna turn out to be yet   another        broken       promise???     He...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:08:00 GMT

Another Tear Just A Different Day

Ok. So is it just me or does it seem like everyone is dying all of a sudden? does death come in threes... Is it fait or maybe just completely randomized? Why is it that is seems like it comes and goes...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 00:25:00 GMT

I'm starting school....

I'm finally doing it! Schools starting April 10th and I'm all registered and everything, but i'm scared. I have never actually finished something I've started but i have to start somewhere right... I ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 21:56:00 GMT