O.K! Here we are.There's no use in writing any Self Glorifying Bullshit to sell ourselves like
The Greatest Bar Band (that shit is funny).The K.O.D.E is just a straight up Party.If you've seen us you've had a
GREAT TIME.We are a cover band.Not a cover band squeezing in a few originals you don't want to hear anyway.We may not ***Dazzle*** you with our knowledge or lack of knowledge of music theory(YAWWWNNNN),but we Guarantee a night you'll remember.We are a Rock based band that covers practically everything from AC/DC to Zombie and all the goods in between.Check us out when you get a chance.Oh yeah one more thing the term "STREET TEAM" is Fucking Queer!!!!!!!Or visit us at www.thekodeonline.com.www.myspace.com/thekoderocks
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Definition of Dance http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dance
Just so we're clear.