Mild mannered (HAH!) pixel jockey by day, mad artist by night. My interests and mediums range from digital to metal. Total Photoshop addict, Mac Geek, metal-head, old car enthusiast, web designer, FREAK! Been pinstriping since Sept. '04. I talk to myself a lot too. Might be a result of the 1-Shot fumes. Or not, I started talking to myself long before I started pinstriping.
Happily married to the one man on this planet who can handle my strangeness... takes my tendency to skip down the aisles at the supermarket in stride.
I enjoy insanity... it freaks out the normal people.
Note: If you want to add me as a friend:
I would really appreciate it if you would send me a message, and tell me WHY you want to add me... it eliminates the guessing games. I have no interest in guys who are collecting a MySpace harem, people who are trying to add as many friends as possible, etc. Say hello, let me know why you want to add me ('cause I'm really curious). Thanks!
If you are under 18 and I don't know you (whether by relation, online, or whatever...), please don't send me an add request. I don't need a bunch of pissed off parents getting after some of my uncensored bulletins that would show up on your page.
And another thing
If you offend easily, blanch at the site of profanity, pale at the thought of sexual innuendo, shock humor, non-christian philosophy, and any other thing that might deviate from 'normal', then I am not who you want added to your friends list. My bizarre sense of humor and other attitudes are not for normal people.
I love and appreciate receiving comments, really I do. But please, no video clips... it kills the download time on my page, so I delete them when they show up. Please take no offense at it.