Just a few things I love in life... (notice how eachone is priceless) Try some of these things and I promise you will have a happier life Like a warm pair of undies fresh out of the dryer, or the sounds crickets make at night time, or the moon how it ligts up the trees when the sun isnt around to do it, (actually) take time to smell the roses, cookies right out of the oven with a glass of milk, or taking a cold shower right after you have ran some miles or worked out, making smores while camping, lying down at night time and looking up at the stars and thinking about how God knows each one by name, letting the sunshine hit you shoulders, listening to birds sing, letting a dog bark if it wants to, giving a random person a hug, finding a bum and swing in a drive through and gettin him a bite to eat (it will really make them smile), tell a stranger about God and the great things He has done in your life, go to a park really late at night just to listen to the sound of nuthingness, counting the cars on a train as it goes by (do not attempt while driving, trust me on that), write a poem and tell all your friends about it (even if its cheesy) if they are your true friends they wouldnt make fun of you, if you're not in very good shape and if it hurts your social life... instead of watching your favorite show that comes on in like 10 minutes go take a jog... If you need a running buddy give me a call, jump in a swimming pool with all your clothes on, shhhhh (sleep naked just for one night) I hope you didnt read that last one out loud, stand out in the rain and just get soaked, splash in puddels like a little kid, sneek candy into a movie theater and let some fall out infront of a worker there and see if he or she sais anything (they usually dont) Go to Carles Jr. at like 3 in the morning and meet all the crazy people who go to Carles Jr. at like 3 in the morning (yes, there are alot of them), spray someone with a hose, take someones news paper, open it up, and put in a 'Letter from God' telling them to change their lives around (dont let them find out it was you, make a hamburger just for your dog (with everything on it), go to a park just to watch people (not in a creepy way, just try to get to know their personality just by what is visible, learn how to play an instrument (someone inspired me to do this, if its you, you know who you are and thank you, if it isnt you, dont ask if it is cause I dont want to have to tell you that it isnt you)... take it easy on your parents even if you're not really feelin the love at the moment, just take things with an optomistic attitude (no one like a pessimest)... Just love the life you live and make the best of it...
Mr.Rogers, elmo, your mom, Mr.Toad, belle from Beauty and the Beast, Jesus, my future wife, a unicorn, an Irish Pirate, an ugly duckling, Marry Poppins, Big Bird, myself in 20 years, Isaiah, Santa, maybe Mrs.Claus (if she has cookies), ohhhh the cookie monster, ummmmm..... james Dean (if he were alive), Johnny Cash (if he were alive), Frank Sinatra (once again, if he were alive... Wow, alot of cool people died... Frank S., did Mr.Rogers die?, my great-great-great-great granpa (he was probably a pretty cool guy), hitler, Stallan, the guy who invented the yoyo....Layout
All American Rejects, Dashboard Confessional, Blink 182, Boxcar Racer, Angels and Airwaves, Rocket Summer, Emery, Coldplay, U2, Dave Mathews Band, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, Jimmy Eat World, Five For Fighting, Foo Fighters, Snow Patrol, The Fray, Postal Service, Incubus, Daniel Beddingfield,
Top 15 movies- Fight Club - Gladiator - Shawshank Redemption - the beach - School of rock - The patriot - Brakefast club - Night at the Roxburry - Finding Neverland - Count of MonteCristo - Saving private Ryan - Big Daddy - Fast and the Furious - the green mile - Thee Attack of Auntie Nuds - Hitch
Usually just ESPN or paintball mags... Oh, and the bible
God-Family-Friends........ The 3 best things in life!