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Alpha & Omega©

About Me

The new book is posted as a blog titled "Second Book". Read the first book(below) before the second, for they are designed to be read in order.
Hi, we are Alpha and Omega, Chaos Critters.
The Book:
The Real Alpha and Omega
At this point you may be wondering why our ears look so strange...they look so strange because they are STRANGE ATTRACTORS!! Our ears are Lorenz Attractors to be precise, but the Lorenz Attractor is just one of countless strange attractors. The Lorenz Attractor is very special however, for it is created from the Lorenz Equations which literally gave birth to Chaos Theory. The Lorenz Equations are a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations originally derived as a simplified model of convection in fluids. Ed Lorenz, an atmospheric scientist, was studying these equations in order to gain a better understanding of convection in the atmosphere. The Lorenz equations are:
X’ = s(Y – X)
Y’ = rX – Y – XZ
Z’ = XY – bZ
The prime denotes the derivative with respect to tau, a dimensionless time. The parameters s, r, and b can be varied, and under certain combinations chaos ensues and a plot of the trajectory of a particle reveals the Lorenz Attractor!
All characters/images/storyline are original. The Lorenz Attractors were created using a program written in Visual C++ by the author. The clouds on page 2 and thereafter are taken from a double pendulum program also written in Visual C++. The double pendulum is another system which exhibits chaotic behavior.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Edward Lorenz..."Father of Chaos"

My Blog

Second Book

Please Enjoy Responsibly
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:44:00 GMT

Rossler Attractor

Whats up everyone.  Heres some images of the "Rossler Attractor".  The attractor is created from the following set of coupled differential equations, devised by Otto Rossler in the 1970s. dx...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 13:12:00 GMT

Chaotic Circuit

Here are some images of a chaotic attractor produced by an electronic circuit I've been playing with. If you ever thought that this chaos talk was nonsense, think again! Although these images are sim...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:38:00 GMT

What is Chaos?

What is Chaos?        According to The American Heritage Dictionary, the word chaos has two meanings.  The first is "great disorder or confusion".  This b...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:45:00 GMT