I have spent 23 of my 25 years of life being a fan of professional wrestling, Yes its true. Besides watching WWE every week I am now big into Ultimate Fighting. I use to design webpages from scratch in my free time but have not had any good ideas lately for a website.
I have no idea who I would like to meet other then a few celebrities. If you want to meet me then you should send me a message.
For My Friend and Future Canadian Kristin.
She is Definetly a Hardcore lady
I will listen to most stuff as long as I can understand 85% of the words, and it isn't country. I am listening to The Fray (local band made good), Postal Service, Imogen Heap, Blue October, Snow Patrol and Breathe Carolina (Another Local Band).
I am a major movie buff. My DVD Collection is over 1100 DVD's. It is hard to name my favorite movie because I enjoy movies of all different genres. Shawshank Redemption, Finding Forrester, Empire Records, and Plesantville are movies I can watch over and over again. I am a big fan of action movies and right now I am trying to get my hands on as many comic book movies that I can.
Since Day 1 I have been addicted to the greatest show ever created. That show is of course '24'. This shows keeps me on the edge of my seat the entire season.
I am glad man invented Tivo because I use mine to the fullest extent. My season passes include Heroes, Lost, House, CSI, Las Vegas, The Unit.
Why read when there are movies about books? I read way too much in school and now do not have anytime to sit down and read a book.
Growing up I thought Dennis Rodman was my hero, but he was just a crazy guy who did not give a damn what people though. To this day I still respect him for that. As for my current heroes other then the standard answer of my parents I am not sure who else fills that role.