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Which sexy fruit are you? CherryYou love to party!! Your wild, fun, and totally out there. People love you!!
Food-Drink Quizzes
What Mythical Animal Are You? Wicked SpiritMMUHAHAHAHA! I think that explains you. You are crafty and mean, sly and a prankster! You stick only to those who can protect you. You are creul and bloodthirsty!
Fantasy-Mythology Quizzes
Are You Going To Cheat? You Probably Won't CheatYou probably won't cheat! You try to be as fair as possible in your relationships, and you'll do anything for your significant other - as long as they're returning the favor. You're usually good at avoiding temptation, but remember that it's also important to not put yourself in situations where you might be tempted to begin with!
Love-Friendship Quizzes