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About Me

Create a Myspace LED ScrollerPEOPLE , I am sorry for my-space had been SPAMMINGMy Name is Martin also known as Tinusch ,I'v been workin the tunes for about 12 years of and on,But the last couple of years are the most productive, cause of the new technologies in music makes it way easyer to get it done.This is F*ckin great stuff.I started 12 years ago Buying a second hand Yamaha SY-77 Synthesizer, that allready took up all my money those days hehe, made some great music, but stuck to a sertain sound, and now you can do almost anything you want. Take your time to listen to some of my stuff. Also made some Ambient tunes ;) Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests


Member Since: 16/11/2006
Band Website: Computer Problems solved, Getting started again.
Band Members: It's just me, and my imagenary background choir The girls realy inspire me hehehe, huh did you say somthing.........
Influences: I have been going to party's since 1989 , That's Old School These day's hehe Always been on the Clubby side. The house music has evolved in many different styles. I stuck to the Psycedelic side. Ambient has also been a big part in my past, and stil love it.Check my Tunes.
Sounds Like:

Trance Productions:

I Have found the new form of digital love, She is my new russian friend Natalya ,If everything goes right i will see her soon and hoe knows what will happen.Say somthing, Don't always wait for it, I'll do the waiting :P Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts
Record Label: Omatic

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