Project Blue Light profile picture

Project Blue Light

An inspiring journey into the deep

About Me

Hi there everybody.

We thank you for visiting this space, I hope You like our music.


This band is formed by Jorge Nava And Rene Valenzuela (Renerviox).

Jorge is 15 years old but, he already has a 4 years career on music composing, playing, mixing, producing, recording.

He is also known for being the creator of this band and the Blackbox Project.

Rene Valenzuela aka Renerviox is 25 years old and has a well known career in music.

He is mostly known for creating the band unworking-mind.


Pretty much all equipment is virtual, my hardware is:


Nylon Acoustic Guitar

HP Media Center M270n with Klipsch Speakers

Sony MDR-V500DJ Headphones.

My Sequencers:

Ableton Live 6

Steinberg Cubase SX 3

Propellerheads Reason 3

eJay Complete Pack (Dance 5, 6 and 7, Techno 4 and 5, HipHop 6, House eJay)

Cakewalk Project 5

Vsti's mostly used:

Arturia Minimoog V, ARP2600v

AAS Tassman 4, UltraAnalog

DiscoDSP Discovery and Vertigo

Eastwest Vapor

Linplug Albino, RM IV and Sophistry Ambient Synth

Native Instruments Komplete

Native Instruments REAKTOR 5 with Electronic Instruments Vol.1 & 2

Spectrasonics Atmosphere

Zero-G Altered States, Outer Limits, Sounds Of The Polynesia.

Steinberg Hypersonic 2 and Xphraze.

And lots more.

The Project:

Well, pretty much the idea of this project is this: To mix electronica sounds (Techno, Trance, Dance, Euro; Progressive, House) with Ambient stuff and to achieve that mistique on our being, to make us feel that sensation of floating around with the sound.

That thing that really makes us enjoy.

Sometimes the songs are really calm, some others not that much.

The band members are currently working on some other downtempo projects such as the Blackbox Project and unworking-mind Please visit at: Blackbox Project Site and unworkingmind .

If You're interested on making a collaboration with us, please don't hesitate to contact, we will reply as soon as we can.

Hope You like the music and the site, Thank you for listening.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/16/2006
Band Members: Jorge Nava and Renerviox
Influences: Vangelis, Jonn Serrie, Steve Roach, Jarre, Kitaro, Mike Oldfield, Biosphere, Global Communication, Reload, Project Divinity, The Place Promised Beyond The Clouds, Redshifts, Transparence, DJ Cybo, Moby, Michael Triggs, Autechre, Radiohead, Sonny/Minnimal Escent, Natalie Walker, Flipside, ANTROBOT.
Sounds Like: A Sweet Emotion
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Full Player

Hi there,Just letting know that this project has got it's player full of ambient music!!!!!!Hope to see your comments soon, and please recommend .Warm regards,The Members Of Project Blue Light.
Posted by on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 09:42:00 GMT