About Me
Myspace Backgrounds The following prayer is something I made up one night years ago when I was unable to sleep from my good fortune. I composed this placation, this fervent invocation not to be punished for my happiness:"Dear God, keep the blessings flowing, grant us all great good health and long life, with no illness, no sickness, no disease, no affliction of any kind, mental or physical. Spare us from all disasters, human or natural, and from all accidents, and spare us from violence, whether organized and official or spontaneous and haphazard. Let there be no breakdown or deterioration of any of our internal systems or organs, no loss of acuity of our senses, no diminution of our abilities and capacities. Keep our reflexes sharp. Let us live in a world of peace and social justice. Let us breathe clean air and drink pure water. Let us live in love and joy and creativity, knowing courage and finding wisdom and having a shot at enlightenment. I think that about covers everything, except extend this terrific grant to everyone I know and whoever they may have an affection for and so on, amen."
Hmmm, I see I left out food. You could starve to death under that grant. Goddamn.December 2006:Omtrent oudejaar: