Name :|: Erin A. Beckley
Age :|: XVI (16) years young
Sex :|: Male
Orientation :|: Vagina
Religion :|: Undecided (Buhdism?)
Ethnicity :|: Crackasian
Height :|: 5' 9"
Weight :|: 136lbs (I'm a wee tike.)
Status :|: Single
Living It :|: Camas Washington
My Favorite type of music is indie/acoustic, i listen to some rap, and very little hardcore, i've been overdosed with hardcore so now it only gets nerve wracking.
Up is my favorite movie, but amoung all the movies i like blood and guts, movies like, saw, hostle, the cube, dead snow, high tension, all very good movies.
I Love |
1: Cuddleing
2: Mobile +1(541)-661-1739
3: Friends
4: Giving Massages
5:Music (Indie)
I Hate |
1: Not Being able to cuddle
2: People Who Think There Fat
3: Nascar
4: Boobahs (Kids Nightmareish Cartoon)
5: Stingy Ass People