HeLlO mY nAmE iS dAiSy!!! aNyOnE wHo KnOwS mE kNoWs ThAt MuSiC iS mY pAsSiOn!!!! I aM a SiNgEr AnD a SoNgWrIteR! Im JuSt TrYiNg To LiVe LiFe RiGhT aNd SuCcEeD!!! GoT tO mAkE iT tO tHe ToP!!!"Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule."
.. - Get Your Own
Everyday I take a minute to thank God for all the blessings that he’s given me and the wonderful people he’s placed around me… It is be cause of all that, that I’ve learned to value what I have, take only what I need, and keep moving… We live in a tough world full of mean, ignorant, and abusing people. Everyday life is a struggle for there’s always people trying to bring you down… Although it’s taken me some time to overcome some hard obstacles… I believe you must never lose hope in your dreams… Keep faith and believe. Remember, you must believe in yourself, in order to make others believe in you!! Nothing in life is a guarantee and nothing in life is free! You must work hard to attain your goal and fight for what you believe… There will always be times when we make mistakes and from out faith we go stray… But thanks to all that, we are who we are… and we learn from out mistakes!! Be a fighter and never give up on anything!!Quote: "Lift your head high and stay strong, keep pushing on!!†– Christina Aguilera