well...well....well.....let me see, where do i begin???? my name is vicky. i love life! i love my husband of 7 years and both of my children with all of my heart! :o) i have a 5 year old daughter named julianna and a two year old son named aiden. jeremy and i have been together since highschool...which makes a total of about 10 years. God has blessed us with the opportunity for me to stay at home with our children, so that makes me a happy stay at home mommy! i love myspace. i was on for awhile...then off...and now i am back on..LOL! i think it is great to be able to see people that i haven't seen in forever on here!MY PAGE MAY NOT BE PRIVATE BUT MY PICTURES ARE. THERE ARE NO PICS OF MY CHILDREN ON MY PAGE... SO IF WE DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER... THERE ISN'T MUCH ABOUT ME THAT YOU ARE GOING TO FIND OUT... SO please!!!!!STOP ASKING! THANKS :o)----------
A Few Questions to Throw Around
If you could get away with it completely, would you murder someone?: ha! no... that's really really bad!!!When was the last time you had sex...and enjoyed it?: uhhh!!! like i would tell you!!!! ;o)
Who pissed you off really bad recently?: geeze... who hasn't pissed me off lately is more like it! i'm in a really bad mood these days!!! so BACK OFF!!!! :o) ok.. sorry! i can get carried away.
Do you know what veal is?: well yes
Was your last ex good in bed?: i don't know i never tried any of my ex's out in bed!
Have you ever flashed a TV camera on a live show?: nope
What's something dumb you've done alone that you've never told anyone about: hmm... i popped myself in the mouth with the door handle the other day when i bent over to pick something up! is that considered dumb??
Do you like the movie theater?: yes
Is squash really good or horribly gross?: yummy! especially with lots of seasoning!
Who was the BEST kisser you've ever kissed with?: JEREMY!
Would you kiss them right now?: of course... except that he's sleeping!
Who had the worst kiss you've ever experienced?: hee hee hee.. that would be my first... Oh gosh the horrible memories
Rough and Passionate or Sweet and Romantic?: wait a minute... what are we talking about here??
Do you wish on shooting stars?: nope. i guess i have before. but don't currently do it!
Have you ever built a snow fort larger than 6 feet?: probably not
What's your favorite thing to do while waiting for someone to call/arrive?: check my hair and make up 500 times! wait.. that's not my favorite thing to do, it just happens to be what i actually do!
Have you ever microwaved a CD?: lol! no...
Would you have sex with any of your friends right now?: just my best friend.. and that would be the man i am married to
What is more important...looks or personality?: well what are we talking about here?? a dog, cat, or a person??
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tounge?: yes sir i sure can
Do you have a stuffed animal you sleep with at night?: nope just jeremy
Ever piss your pants over the age of 13?: um no sorry
Have any phobias?: yes cockroaches... it was even hard for me to spell the word out
Can you take off belts/pants with your mouth?: you know, i've never tried????!!???
Are you able to multitask?: i am a mom! need i say more??
First Reaction: One Word Only!
Blood: ug
Marshmallow: yuk!
Tape: fun
Money: necessary
Desire: deep
Lust: temporary
Envy: bad
Murder: terrible
Cookie: choclate
Last Time You Had Sex: personal
Horror Flick: scary
Tropical: YES
Slam Pig: STD
Lost In the City: panic
Lollipops: tasty
Gift Shopping: fun
Cannibalism: gross
Love: wonderful
Demons: bad
Best Friend Crying: sad
Revenge on the one you Hate: tempting
Garbage: stinky
Book: bible
One-Night Stand: yuk
Green: blue
Blue: green
Black: white
Red: yellow
Yellow: sun
Life: hard
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