People that I have not meet or know.
Let's not count the miles in between, they're not what matters most. Let us recall the joys we've all shared, those thoughts will keep you close on this special day.
Let us fill our minds with thoughts, of memories held most dear, And the miles in between you will just seem to disappear.
Your friendship is always a blessing in all our lives.
Before you judge someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you judge them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes! This way the do not beat your ass.
Myspace Graphics
I am a simple person. Life has a beginning, A middle and an end. You do not have a choose at the beginning or the end, But what you do in the middle is what makes you the person you are. It is hard for me to talk or write about myself. I see myself as one who is
Going through life and does not mind help or caring about people. I am always there for my friend and family. For the people that I come across is doing me Job, will the be come FRIEND and not client. The thing that I do can only be summed up to what you want out of LIFE.
I were many hat is my life from a simple boat launcher to have degrees and licenses in Computers, Accounting, A Lock smith, Pest control operator, Golf Instructor and
To my present job as a Public Adjuster and a Home Inspector. I have started my own business in construction. I was licensed as a General contractor, Electrical, and Black seals (plumbing). I started this when I was in college. I have even started a part time business as a candy maker and YES! I am still doing it.
I enjoy play Golf, Football and Hockey. Golf is still the number one thing that I do. I have been playing even since I was 5 years old. My Grandfather showed how to play. I am the ultimate Nut for the game until his passing on 9/11. I play about once a week now. I have done everything with a golf ball and played every major course in the United State Of AMERICA. That does include the course the golfers dream of playing, like Pine Valley, August, All TPC course. This is just to name a few. There is only one this that I have never done with a golf ball and that is a Hole-In-one. For those of you, who would like proof? Go to Http:// and you will see my entrance exam. I am Number one on the list.
As a Public Adjuster is also me to help others that have been through a tragedy or had a major loss. I help them get their lives back together again. So people will say that I do it for the money. No they are wrong, I do it for sheer hate of the Insurance Companies and it also me to help people out. If you do not have proper insurance, look out you will need some one like me. If you want to make sure you have the correct coverage, then contact me and I will let you know who is in you area from the company that employees me. We are is 22 states, so it a great chance that some is near you.
You will not see any picture of me on here. I do not like my picture of me. My own family does not have picture of me. But there are some that have a picture of me only because I did not know they were taking the picture.
I go by couple nick names like:
Golfnut, Warsawpak, Polock
All this name started back in grade school. but I prefer Golfnut or Warsawpak. Why warsawpak? I did not know really why, but it sounded better the some one calling me polock and make other of polish descent fell insulted by the name. It is also the capital of POLAND. I am a very Proud to be of polish descent.