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Ameri Boi

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mohatma Ghandi

About Me

I am a fighter. Not a fighter in the traditional sense where physical confrontation is needed(although it eventually will come to that), but a fighter in the intellectual sense. I am a passive debater; I lay the seeds of awareness for those that suffer from shock and reap what was sown, an army of life-sustaining fighters born from a collective crop of concern, curiosity, love and outrage. I am an interventionist. If something is wrong, I take steps to restore order and prevent a crisis from becoming a catastrophe. I am heavily dedicated, yet I suffer a lack of motivation due to the contagious aspects of a disease we call apathy. It appears an epidemic is on our hands...Despite the lack of interest by the masses to recognize the problems that hamper our species, I remain firm and determined to do all I can to solve problems and motivate other people to do the same.One Vision, One Purpose.My name is Manuel; You may call me Marcel. I never was fond of my birth name, tis far too common. I do not know who I am, what I want, or where I am going. I am driven to seek out others and observe their actions as a means of applying new strategies to my own. I am a lab rat among lab rats, the ant that questions his existence, the bee that stays away from the queen and collective to explore the world beyond the hive and the nesting grounds. Yet I suffer from a compulsive need to remain isolated from others. To awaken an army that you do not wish to get too close to is a difficult challenge, but nonetheless necessary. Prospective analysis concludes that I likely will become an investigative journalist or poet. However, as an amalgamated individual, I am unable to conclusively decide if that is the path I wish to take while there are so many occupations that arouse my interest; From Law, to Biology; From Historian, to Politician.1/5th of my journey is over, the rest is up to me to plot for others to follow.[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests

"Think Tanks-Those(organizations) who are paid to think by the makers of tanks" -Naomi Klein.Politics. Visioned as the pathway to change, in reality it can be its obstacle.After years of claiming loyalty to the republican party I began to gradually change my views to where I no longer had anything left in common with those I considered kindred.Awakened, I plan to vote for Hilary Clinton(or Barrack Obama if he wins the nomination) and take the white house, and bring much needed change to a country that lost its amalgamated culture, its global diplomatic reputation, and obviously its surplus economy. No more wars, no more walls-A United World"It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted." -Aeschylus"Free foreign trade gives our money, our manufactures, and our markets to other nations to the injury of our labor, our tradespeople, and our farmers. Protection keeps money, markets, and manufactures at home for the benefit of our own people."-William Mckinley

I'd like to meet:

I seek to come across painters, writers, photographers, poets, Activists and fighters. Those that will rise from the ground up to counter the growing threat of self-destruction that our species poses to itself as well as to the remaining life on this planet.I have an aversion for the common man, merely because I do not wish to become infected with his apathy, his compulsion with mere forms of entertainment, his narrow view of what the causes of our problems are and the misconstrued solutions he believes in that were fed to him by the ones that profit from such problems. This indeed is the only threat to true direct democracy-the ignorance of problems and solutions on the part of the individual. In order for Democracy to work, those that are ruled by it-the ones that provide direct oversight, must be competent enough to understand the complexities of government and the necessity for protection.My search for a companion is not an active one. Hell I've delegated it to a radar blip, waiting for that person to come to me. Love is not the highest priority for me in my life, yet it is subconsciously important, I am compelled to feel something for the ones I fancy, I have no control over it. However what hampers this compulsion is the realization that I am not worthy of the ones I love. If I could, the doctrine by which I measure acceptable compatibility with a partner would involve a love of knowledge, a driving force of intervention, love for our planet, and an amazing curiosity of the world around them."Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." -Henry Louis MenckenView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

..Move for Change

United as One

Words of Wisdom that all must heed:

"The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations."

-Noam Chomsky

“Terrorism doesn't just blow up buildings; it blasts every other issue off the political map. The spectre of terrorism - real and exaggerated - has become a shield of impunity, protecting governments around the world from scrutiny for their human rights abuses.”

-Naomi Klein

"Resistance is feasible even for those who are not heroes by nature, and it is an obligation, I believe, for those who fear the consequences and detest the reality of the attempt to impose American hegemony."

-Noam Chomsky

“Politics hates a vacuum. If it isn't filled with hope, someone will fill it with fear.”

-Naomi Klein

"Capitalism, which had coyly hidden itself beneath the voluminous drapery of prosperity and luxury, now thrusts out its face from the faded finery to look once more on a "real world" it has laid waste - on lives ruined, security trashed and hope trampled. A generation brought up to believe that affluence represents some existential truth about our lives will, inevitably, be disoriented and angry. If the coming impoverishment brings about an increase in violence, crime, racism and breakdown, who will bear those costs, who will bail out a bankrupt society? Certainly not the makers of fortunes whose activities we were until recently expected to admire as the acts of heroes and demi-gods."

-Jeremy Seabrook


Multicultural-Delve into the songs and writings of other nations and cultures. Clinging to only 1 is a waste, and further limits the already short existence we call a life.French, German, Russian, Japanese and UK selections are what I typically listen to.Zazie Orange Range Alanis Morissette Vanessa Hudgens BBMack School of Lock Telepopmusik Yellowcard The Ataris Dito YELLE Jesse McCartney The Calling Gorillaz Sara Bareilles The Click five Nickel Creek Kylie Minolgue The Killers Tatu Timbaland Madonna Liz Phair Fall Out Boy Nickelback The Afters Frou Frou [FATE] L5 Stas Pieha Peha Evgeniya Vlasova


Film, Im not sure if I state my preference on movies, alot of them bore me, though I have come across a small selection I seem to fancy.Ma vie en Rose Sum of all fears Black Hawk Down Tears of the Sun I Robot What a girl wants An Inconvenient Truth. The CorporationIm bound to get teased for this, but Battlestar Galactica, the revised series, is pretty much the show that I watch habitually. People assume its sci fi-cut, end bye bye. In reality this series is emotional, political, philosophical, Militaristic and Religious(pagan-Early Monotheism). Nothing is ever really cheesy about it. Its the only show that you see people get shot or blown up and actually feel sympathy and sadness for that character and his or her death(except Cally, who at the time of this post was bitch-slapped and jettisoned out of an airlock[Weeee!].....she deserved it, most annoying character on the show that kept using the token word 'Frak' as if there was a damn quota to fill) The only series to tackle the war on terror, this series guides my view of others-consider them already gone."The world is over; The fight is just beginning."Other shows I tend to watch:Dead like me Doctor Who The Graham Norton Show Aqua teen Hunger force South Park Project Runway Grey's Anatomyin between which, CNN is on consistently covering the primaries or whatever shit my inevitably hit the fan.


2.Law and Order-SVU-Criminal Intent-Trial by Jury
3.The O.C
6.Real World
8.Family Guy
9.South Park
10.Daily Show
11.Queer eye
13.Project Runway
15.Daria(omg I miss it)
16.Battlestar Galactica(new)
17.8th and Ocean
18.Grey's Anatomy
19.There and Back


Literature- The escape for thinkers.Anyone that has seen me in the past 2 years will always take note of a book firmly clutched in my hands. Whether it covers Politics, Current events, philosophy or drama, chances are i've read it or plan to read it.The Shock Doctrine-the rise of disaster capitalism by Naomi Klein Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Steven J. Dubner Kingdom Coming-The rise of Christian Nationalists by Michelle Goldberg Allies at War by Jeremy Shapiro and Philip H. Gordon An Uncivil War by Steven Singular No Logo by Naomi Klein Overthrow by Steven Kinzerand many more that clutter my room and others yet to be bought."He that loveth a book will never want for a faithful friend, a wholesome counselor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter"-Isaac Barrow


Those I view as heroes happen to be everyday citizens. Those that stand up when they see something is wrong, when something must be corrected in order to preserve balance and prevent any harm from coming to another living thing on this planet.I'd cite Edmund Burke's famous statement, that the only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing(my favorete quote in reality), but one person I know happens to have that stated. So heres another that compliments it-"To accept Passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressors"-Martin Luther King jr.

My Blog

America-The home of the egotistical.

What historians will refer to as "The Bush Era" will forever be(I hope) a lesson to our descendants of the dangers of regression, soundbites and blind patriotism. I recall numerous instances in which ...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 09:14:00 PST

In a nutshell...

I typically dislike re-posting articles in my blogs, primarily because I would like this section to be comprised solely of my words and ideology, but with the market collapse, these unprecedented time...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:54:00 PST

A shift that requires interception

In a continuous and bitter-some metamorphosis that is slowly but surely raising concerns among progressive voters, Presidential nominee Barrack Obama's shift on issues to the right poses a danger to t...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:15:00 PST

Democratic Revolution is possible

@01>G85 <8@0 >1J548=ONBAOThere Is an Alternative to Corporate RuleAll over the world, truly democratic approaches are bubbling up from the Mark EnglerOne of the remarkable features of mo...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 06:30:00 PST

The need and value of sound Public Policy

As the finale of this play we call 'The Campaign' draws closer, and the inevitable end of the Bush administration's disastrous reign is in sight, there is a deep seated query being asked by the millio...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 12:15:00 PST

The right to awareness; The freedom from Ignorance

It is apparent that some are disgruntled by the amount of focus I have been placing on recent events in Georgia-South Ossetia. Believing that I can't change the crisis that is unfolding and that there...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 03:05:00 PST

Sweet, a tax I can support

This comes from stopthebagtax organization"CALIFORNIA POLITICIANS ARE LOOKING TO RAISE YOUR TAXES IF THEY DON'T HEAR FROM YOU SOON.As if the cost of gas and food isn't enough...  politicians now ...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:05:00 PST

I will not be a billboard

The role of advertising in my generation is taking more bolder roles. Not surprisingly, this one specifically targets teenagers that prefer social networks similar to Myspace and Facebook. This one is...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 05:08:00 PST

Resistance is essential.

Today I realized something drastically important to my well being. I was doing research on the Selective Service Act and realized that I am most likely to be among the first drafted in the event the p...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 07:55:00 PST

20 years of understanding

Whats wrong with this world of mine.It is prudent on the anniversary of my birth, that I review my character and status of mind. At the moment I am angry for numerous reasons, but most particular is t...
Posted by Ameri Boi on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 02:05:00 PST