L'histoire de DOBLE Skateboards rime avec la passion du skateboard. La marque Doble a été créée par quatre skateurs old-school, dans les alentours de Lyon en l’occurrence Roanne, Le Puy-en-velay, St-Etienne. Existant sous forme associative depuis plus de 5 ans, la marque, sous forme juridique, se créée le 1er janvier 2003. Mais Doble, fort d’être une marque de passionnés, est aussi un personnage hors du commun dans le milieu, avec pour démarche mise en avant la fête, le bon état d’esprit, l’ambiance amicale. Et cela bien avant de mettre en avant quelconque compétition entre riders concernant leur niveau… La philosophie est donc de réunir, de partager et avant toute chose, de prendre du plaisir. Ces planches sont fabriquées chez Jart (Espagne) : la 2ème meilleure usine mondiale. Les roues sont fabriquées au USA chez Créative Uréthane, l’une des plus ancienne fabrique de roues en polyuréthane. Mais Doble Skateboards, c’est également des vêtements : tee-shirts, casquettes…fabriqués, eux, en tunisie. A cause de la surenchère (de pubs, de photos « choc »…) induite par l’ensemble des marques américaines qui ont le monopole mondial, toute une dimension du skateboard est passée sous silence : indépendance, simplicité (il suffit de prendre sa planche et de sortir dans la rue), créativité (tous les skateurs veulent faire les mêmes figures alors que l’important n’est pas d’atteindre un certain niveau de technicité, mais bel et bien de s’amuser, d’interagir avec l’environnement urbain de façon originale). Doble refuse donc de laisser le skate s’enfermer dans un stéréotype, où il faudrait rentrer telle ou telle figure, pour être reconnu comme membre du mouvement. Doble veut instaurer une vision moins axée sur un modèle, mais plutôt sur l’originalité qui peut être développée sur la base du skate.
The story of Doble Skateboards rhymes with the passion of skateboard. The brand “Doble†was founded by 4 old-schools skaters in Roanne, Le Puy en Velay and St-Etienne (near Lyon). Existing as an association since 5 years, Doble was actually founded according to juridical form on the 1st of January 2003. But Doble, more than a brand of passion, is also an extravagant character in the middle of skateboarding in France. And his spirit is to organize parties, promoting a good spirit as well as the notion of friendship. That is more important than contests and competitions between the riders. The philosophy is to join, share and above all enjoy. Their boards are made by JART (Spain): the second best firm in the world. Wheels are made by Creative Urethane in the USA, one of the oldest firms of wheels. But Doble Skateboards is also a brand of clothes: tee-shirts, caps…which are made in Tunisia. Because of an increase of prices (advert, photos…) created by the American brands who have the monopoly, a full dimension of skateboarding is hidden: independence, simplicity (one just has to take his board and go riding in the streets), creativity (all the skaters want to succeed at the same tricks whereas the importance is to enjoy, have fun and interact with the urban environment in an original way) That is why Doble refuses to let skateboarding be locked up in a stereotype, where one should succeed at one trick to be recognized as a member of this lifestyle. Doble wants to create a vision based on originality and less fixed on a model.
The story of Doble Skateboards rhymes with the passion of skateboard. The brand “Doble†was founded by 4 old-schools skaters in Roanne, Le Puy en Velay and St-Etienne (near Lyon). Existing as an association since 5 years, Doble was actually founded according to juridical form on the 1st of January 2003. But Doble, more than a brand of passion, is also an extravagant character in the middle of skateboarding in France. And his spirit is to organize parties, promoting a good spirit as well as the notion of friendship. That is more important than contests and competitions between the riders. The philosophy is to join, share and above all enjoy. Their boards are made by JART (Spain): the second best firm in the world. Wheels are made by Creative Urethane in the USA, one of the oldest firms of wheels. But Doble Skateboards is also a brand of clothes: tee-shirts, caps…which are made in Tunisia. Because of an increase of prices (advert, photos…) created by the American brands who have the monopoly, a full dimension of skateboarding is hidden: independence, simplicity (one just has to take his board and go riding in the streets), creativity (all the skaters want to succeed at the same tricks whereas the importance is to enjoy, have fun and interact with the urban environment in an original way) That is why Doble refuses to let skateboarding be locked up in a stereotype, where one should succeed at one trick to be recognized as a member of this lifestyle. Doble wants to create a vision based on originality and less fixed on a model.