I am a hyper activer drum & bass fanatic on a mission to make it all happen.I started listening to drum & bass /in the early rave years back in 1991 and never left the scene since..I love my drum & bass in all shapes and formats. Ranging from deep atmopherics to hardcore dancefloor Action.I've been Dj'ing around the world but the main goal has always been to create a stable situation in hollandfor wicked and lively drum&bass scene.The last 10 years i've been devoting all my time to setting up my own labels, initially with my own productions, but soon by focussing on others, searching for new artist, motivating people to start labels, organising major & minor events and club nights and last but not least creating a situation that would allow us to promote, sell and distribute vinyl in holland & around the world..Things have taken a long time,but it has been worth the ride.If your into Drum&bass and you wanna see a tip of the ice berg of whats going on.. than you have to check the following things.for EXTREME PATRYING !!!
http://www.majorleague-dnb.com/IF your into buying records online.
Triple Vision the websiteIF your into Buying MP3's.. all our stuff is represented
https://www.beatport.com/ ... Currently working on our own download shop..and if your into buying records in a store.... than you have to visit our shop on the nwe binnenweg in Rotterdam. We have a huge stock, and excess to a wide network of warehouses and overstocks with new and old drum & bass
records.If its available than we can get it..IF your into checking myspace check all my friends ;) but focus on these ones
Citrus Recordings
Fokuz Recordings
Triple Vision
Syndrome Audio
Celsius Recordings
If you need A designer Check for CB.. great work///IF your looking for a solid DJ, aka the player of the year. Check Mr Harsh ;)and if yourlooking for a real good time come and live in Rotterdam.... This City is BOOOOMIN !!!!Ow yeah i shouldnt forget /// i'm not into metal at all - no guitars for me..... but you got to check out Mindscan... this is what i call bitches that ROCK !!!!!
Some important links to followup on..if your interested to find out about the music that we put out there...
More info on Dreazz
Citrus Recordings
Fokuz Recordings
Celsius Recordings
Fokuz Limited Recordings
Piruh Recordings
Syndrome Audio Recordings
Love Breakz
Love Recordings
Mindscape & Hydro & Jade
Citrus Recordings Black Lotus LP Sampler I
Citrus Recordings Black Lotus LP
Fokuz Recordings Iron Skies
Mutt & Aperture
Fokuz Recordings New Jazz Lick / Lately I
Various Artists
Fokuz Recordings Treasures of the Deep