I've already met her.........AND SHE"S MINE...MINE....MINE!!! BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!(Awwwwe don't it just make you wanna puke) .....People who live, breath, sleep and eat ROCK N ROLL!!!!!!!!....Bill Hicks (but we'd have to dig him up or bring him back as zombie Bill).... TURBONEGRO! (if you haven't heard them, pull your finger out you schmuck)...... TURBOJUGEND World wide but mainly Aussie ones. . Fred (fetal fighter) Ettish........................... ....................................................... Like minded people that live with their heads in the clounds and DON"T USE FUCKING 'LOL' AT THE END OF EVERY FUCKING LINE IN A TEXT OR EMAIL. You know who you are so please don't befriend me. I'm sure you're really nice and probably give to charity and sort your recycling and save the whales and all that stuff but 'LOL' is not cute or cleaver or anything, it's just anoying and a teency bit gay. And while i'm ranting, those cheerleader like-girls and sporto jock guys who feel it's soooo important to have a topless myspace picure to show off that 'hot' body you've been working so hard on, by slaving hour after hour in the gym or throwing up after every meal so you can squeeze into that fucking $120 Hugo Boss T-shirt, which you bought 2 sizes too small to accentuate your outer shell. I love the human body in all it's forms (ESPECIALLY BOOBIES!!!!!) and there's nothing wrong with self improvement, it's just such a shame that you have to use that image to get friends as apposed to using you brain. Hell call me old fashioned. PLEASE DON'T BEFRIEND ME. Anyone who drives a HUM-V or lives in the city and drives an S.U.V (or as I like to refer to them as....Baby Killers). Think about how much fuel and oil those things use and who's dying for that oil next time you drive to the shops to buy your sure-slim power bars. You selfish pratts, PLEASE DON'T BEFRIEND ME................................ ........................................................ Anyone who wants to make this world a better place.... People who choose music over sport!... George Bush so I could punch him in the dick.... The guy who's inventing the time machine so I can go back and castrate George Bush senior to stop him polluting his foul seed on this amazing planet..... Oh and Myf Warhurst cause she's got the best laugh ever.