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It's a new year!

About Me

How's it goin? Well hmmm, what to say......Life is nothing more than a series of counter-acting ideas within a physical state of existence in which the counter-acting ideas and the physical representations of what one percieves may be tampered with to a certain extent of a series of mathematical equations commonly known as the laws of physics; thus stating that our actions and thoughts form the world we live in. Now, check this shit out.Hi, I'm Thomas, I go to college and work. I like reading, writing, music, and hanging out with friends. If you want to know more, then send me a message. AIM- tomff7 MSN- [email protected] And now, inroducing myself translated into romanji (japanese in latin characters): Hajimemashite, watashiwa to-masu desu. Watashiwa daigakuniga ikimasu soshite, arubaitoga arimasu. Honwo yondari kaitari ongakuga ki~tari tomodachito dekaketari sukishimasu. Anatawa watashiga hanashitaga~teimasenka? Watashiniwa me-shijiga kakimasu.

My Interests

Writing, painting, drawing, reading, learning, watching movies, chillin with friends, partying, music, art, ladies of course, video games, journalism, history, Star Wars, Final Fantasy, guitar, viola, sports, politics and protest. Here's a poem I wrote:Take a hit, take a rip When you smoke here's a tip Hold it in, be sure you cough Otherwise you don't get off

I'd like to meet:

Someone that I can talk to about my day and theirs.


X Japan, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Malice Mizer, Gackt, Godsmack, LIT, Bon Jovi, Brian Setzer, Bob Marley, Sum 41, Nirvana, 3 Doors Down, Anti-flag, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, Motley Crue, Guns n Roses, The Doors, Rush, the Ramones, Van Halen, Glay, Deep Purple, Jefferson Airplane, Smash Mouth, Iron Maiden, The Pixies, Bob Dillan, Dir en Grey, Placebo, DJ Darude, Paul Oakenfold, N.W.A., Public Enemy, Lynard Skynard, Johnny Cash, and classical music. (if I can think of any later, I'll add them)


Basically any movie with explosions, people getting stomped, women being stampeded, cattle being raped, and just those random unneccisary gratuitist sex scenes that don't progress the plot at all, is a good movie in my opinion, thumbs up to the assholes in hollywood :D Anyways, comedies, drama's, even romance movies are good too


Let's be honest folks, 50% of television is reality t.v. shows. 90% of those reality t.v. shows are all based on the same thing, getting a bunch of ethnicities in one place, making them live together in some horrible condition like a luxury apartment and free living expenses. Sometimes they'll take it as far as a huge mansion, that's totally human survival at it's fiercest. Eventually all those ethnicities begin to hate each other due to the fact that the producers of the shows pick the craziest chicks and pricks that society has to offer. To think people actually watch these shows, getting their twisted jollies out of the pain and misery of 6 people living in/on one house/island/R.V./mansion, mainly competing for money. Well if American's want to see a bunch of crazy people win money, all I can say is, Bob Barker bitches.


Shanarra Series, Lord of the Rings, Anthem, Catcher in the Rye, Harry Potter, some Star Wars novels, Ender's Game, Fight Club, The Crystal Shard, Shakespear, Freud, Night, Everything is Illuminated, and whatever you hand me.


My family and friends.

My Blog

A girl

There's this girl I like and I'm pretty sure she knows that I like her, but I'm not sure how she feels. I see her a lot and everytime I do, my heart starts beating quickly and I get really nervous ar...
Posted by Thomas on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:41:00 PST

Self Reflections

Well, I guess this is just a blog about how I've been doin if any of you have been wondering.First, I'd like to start off by saying that I quit smoking. I know what you're thinking, "mhm, sure" But ...
Posted by Thomas on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 02:34:00 PST


Life is is beautiful
Posted by Thomas on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:22:00 PST

A thought on torture

Torture; n., 1) infliction of severe bodily pain, esp. as a punishment or a means of persuasion. 2) severe phyiscal or mental suffering.The United States Government has admitted to implementing tortur...
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 21 May 2007 10:41:00 PST

A few thoughts on anarchy

The much debated topic of anarchy has entrhalled the minds of the freedom hopefuls. However, it is in my opinion that anarchy will never work. Why do you ask? Because it is he who owns the bigger gu...
Posted by Thomas on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:41:00 PST

Just so ya know...

I haven't been on myspace too much lately, mainly because I'm too busy. School and work keep me on the go. However, they've been cutting my hours at work lately, and it's been really hard to pay the...
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:35:00 PST

My first poetic publication!

So I decided to turn in one of my poems for publication at my school and it got in! Hurray! Here's the e-mail I recieved and the poem as well:Dear Thomas, Congratulations! It is our pleasure to infor...
Posted by Thomas on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 01:31:00 PST

Buck up Kid...

So life is getting better. College is still a little difficult, but I'm gonna make it I think. My brother is moving out finally. There's just too much conflict in this apartment with him here. My ...
Posted by Thomas on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 02:48:00 PST

Go ahead, leave yer name

Leave your name and: 1. I'll respond with something random about you. 2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you. 3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in. 4. I'll say something that o...
Posted by Thomas on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:59:00 PST

Al Capone killed a lot of people on Valentine's Day....

In response to Hallmark's capitalistic holiday....To love with expectations, materialism, and desire is the first step to hating the one you love the most. To compromise with the one you love is provi...
Posted by Thomas on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 02:47:00 PST