Barbara profile picture


The REAL Knibblet

About Me

SERENITY NOW/EQUALITY NOW - The 2007 event raised a lot of money for Equality Now - Joss Whedon must be pleased! The event here in the Twin Cities was a fabulous success with more money raised than any other of the 50 cities yet reported!!! Woo Hoo!!! Learn more about Equality Now

I have a lot of interests and hope that one day I'll figure out what I'm really good at. I've had lots of jobs in my life and lived lots of places. Toto, there's no place like home ... once you find a home that is.
Look around me and you'll find a bunch of interesting folks who make me laugh. Smart, funny, warm and friendly people who will aide a stranger and are always willing to toast a marshmallow to perfection for a little kid.
I've got the greatest family and friends ... my enemies don't suck either.
The Royal Order of Klondike Kates
One day ... one day ... one day ... I swear! One day, I will be Klondike Kate. I'm not a Kate yet, but one day, with enough experience, enough chutzpah and enough sassafrass ... by the power of GraySkull, I will be that buxom saloon girl of Winter Carnival fame. Until that time, I'll just worship at the edge of the stage and dream 'feather boa' dreams.
Podcasting is fun and I've discovered I'll record anything if asked. Find me at:
The Big Damn Podcast "Firefly Talk"
The podcast play "Sweet Sorrow" wherein I play General Gloria McAfee - yeah, I'm a bossy boots kinda gal.
Here's the first promo for "Sweet Sorrow". Pass it along.

Have you taken the Firefly personality quiz? You can find the link below. It's Gorram accurate as near as I can conjure. If you're not too busy looking for the finest of beverages that make you go blind, lookey here at my results.
As the Operations Manager of a construction company and answerable only to the company owner, I find my "Zoe" results to be spot on accurate.
You are Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 100% Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 100% River (Stowaway) 100% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 90% Wash (Ship Pilot) 90% Inara Serra (Companion) 80% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 70% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 60% A Reaver (Cannibal) 60% Alliance 40% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 30% Dependable and trustworthy.
You love your significant other and
you are a tough cookie when in a conflict.
Click here to take the "Which Serenity character am I?" quiz...
My opinion is that Firefly is the finest TV show ever; however, Battlestar Galactica is the finest show in current production. So say we all!
Those folks who really know me know that I spent 10 years as an aircraft mechanic in the United States Air Force. To be pegged as Chief Tyrol is another ... spine tingling poll result.
You scored as CPO Galen Tyrol, You never wanted to be a glamorous Viper pilot. You are happy knowing that without you to fix their birds, they cannot fly. You fell in love with the wrong girl, but is that so wrong? Maybe, but you don't really care.

CPO Galen Tyrol


Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)


Number 6


Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)


Dr Gaius Baltar


Tom Zarek


Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)


Commander William Adama


President Laura Roslin


Col. Saul Tigh

Take the Battlestar Galactica character quiz!
created with

My Interests

Reading/writing and viewing science fiction, historical and mystery genres.
Minnesota Wild and U of M Gopher Women's Hockey
Cleveland Indians and Minnesota Twins baseball
Cleveland Browns' and UofM Gopher football.
Belly dancing, walking my dogs, bicycling and making myself sweat.
Gardening and working on my 125 year old brick Victorian house. Local history and volunteer work in my community.
My family, friends and all those I love.

I'd like to meet:

One of my Big Damn Heroes, Nathan Fillion, has a quote on his myspace page (for which he admits he doesn't have the source) that states: "It isn't enough to be interesting, you have to be interested." Great sentiment.
Anyway, I'm always on the lookout for interesting, intelligent, humorous folks who are willing to share and grow and learn with the rest of humanity. If they have a terrific smile, smell good and have a nice ass ... who am I to complain?


I'm the devoted acolyte of Weird Al Yankovic. He makes me laugh almost every day when I think of any random line from any of his songs. How can you NOT laugh thinking about "... what kind of chip you got in there ... a dorito?"
I still love the 80's dance pop and will seriously endanger my aged self when hearing Duran Duran.
Stevie Nicks writes the most soul wrenching lyrics. I listen to her music and feel as if she knows everything damn thing about every damn body. Plus, she's really sweet and respectful to her parents. That, and she kissed both of my cheeks at a concert once. I went overnight without washing my face ... but quickly gave in to hygiene over obsession.
Blame genetics for this one... George Szell was my uncle: Classical trips my trigger and I once blew out my car speakers cranking Oorf's 'Carmina Burana' at top volume. --- Joshua Bell is absolutely brilliant. He's a good looking kid with a violin that speaks volumes on love, pain and loss. sigh --- Give me a good aria or two - Kiri Te Kanawa, you're a goddess.
Belly dancing music is a passion - Arabic, Persian, Turkish pop ... Ohhh, my first public belly dancing performance was to Loreena McKennitt's Marco Polo she totally blows me away.
drool drool drool over Tarkan.
Celldweller, Simon & Garfunkle, Shakira, Sting.
There's no section here to add Opera, Theatre, Ballet or Art so I'll just say that I'm a phreak for opera, theatre, ballet and art. So there, take that bitches!


I love musicals, science fiction and excellent movies in other genres. Serenity, Casablanca, Shawn of the Dead, Princess Bride, Somewhere in Time. La Femme Nikita (the original french movie and definitely NOT the crappyass american version called No Way Out), Fiddler on the Roof, Miracle, Pitch Black.
ANYTHING DAMN THING with Sean Bean in it. I'd watch him read the phone book. I'd listen to him recite the alphabet ... in any language he chooses. Sharpe movies, English Gangster moves, Lord of the Rings ... I don't bloody care, just put Sean Bean on the screen. I've seen some movies I won't even admit too ... just because Sean is on screen and he's a gift of creation. down fan girl, down!!


Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Heroes and Rome, Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, La Femme Nikita, China Beach, Homefront, Buffy, Angel, Bones.
Do you remember The Avengers? I loved that show but it screwed me up in science class soooo bad. Anyway, I still love that show. I'm not sure which I love more ... Steed's Bentley or Emma Peel.


Never met a book I didn't like!
My father taught me to read when I was three and both parents instilled a love of reading in their smarter children.
My two favorite books growing up were "Island of the Blue Dolphins" and "Snow Treasure". Both are non-fiction about children overcoming HUGE odds to both survive and thrive in difficult times.
Looking behind me I see: "The Devil In The White City" by Erik Larson. It's non-fiction about a serial killer during the Chicago World's Fair.
"We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our families" by Philip Gourevitch. Non-fiction about the Ruandan genocide. This book is part of the source material that the movie "Hotel Ruanda" came from.
Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series rocks!!!
David Weber must be writing his "Honor Harrington" books *just* for me.
Orson Scott Card, Bernard Cornwell, Steven Pressfield, Anne Rice, Harry Turtledove and Frank McCourt are some of my favorite authors.


People who donate blood. People who don't scream into cel phones in public places. People who volunteer.

My Blog

When Did I Grow Old?

I remember when I was a kid and heavy rainstorms meant going out and playing and getting soaked to the skin.  Heavy rain carried the excitement of possible flooding and pirate ships and other wac...
Posted by Barbara on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:48:00 PST

Angela's Asses

Here's my first blogging effort.  Enjoy - or not - it's up to you really. Here's a story that pretty much sums up a day in the life of Barbara... I'm supposed to give an advanced speech fo...
Posted by Barbara on Fri, 18 May 2007 01:11:00 PST