............Orangina (and sometimes Fanta), cats, cooking eating drinking, design and architecture, travel (particularly europe or the jersey shore via the njtransit- a classy summer destination), shopping, home decor, diy, over-all constant lifestyle improvement, planning next getaway.
people that don't like grey's anatomy and people that like vacuuming. if you are a person that likes to vacuum - please let me know. i want to discuss this.
i have stated clearly in my profile that "i hate music", which is why i am particularly confused by the numerous friend requests from brooklyn based indie/rock bands. perhaps i should clarify that it is indeed those very bands that have led me to this radical statement to begin with.
just saw Oldboy - very freaky asian movie. if you are into incest (father/daughter and sister/brother) and brutal torture - this is gonna be a wonderful friday night movie for you. also just saw Primer. dont netflix it - it's too indie and slow. and then before that i saw something else.
watching stolen on demand porn as it is being fastforwarded by an inidentified neighbor. I LOVE NEW YORK, Lost, House. project runway of course.
i am reading 4 books right now. a novel, 2 books about meat, and one about identifying american architecture styles.
my cat moses cause its been determined that he actually figured out how to be cute on purspose. (for sample, see image below) and of course still my cat johnny cause he totally taught himself to pee in the toilet. if you dont believe me, just come over whenever the litterbox hasnt been cleaned for a week.