Indie films, swimming, swimming, swimming!, under the sea, loves sea shores too!, sea food+(I Eat anything I see!), loves summer over rainy days, the smell of the grass after the rain, walking after the rain, sunrise, sunset, colors---aqua/torquiose, yellow, orange, green, red, black, ice cream, chocolates, loves watches, bags, head bands and shoes, groceries, kids and their smiles and of course OPRAH, Adam Sandler & Edward Scissorhands!
I do not know...maybe someone who is easy to talk to, simple (well the word is so general), maybe someone who is just like me...easy to talk to, laugh around with, full of silly antics, takes things as they come along, enjoys every moment and opportunity, but at the same time responsible for all my actions...Whew!!! what else...I do not know, will see as each person comes along...but to all my friends, thanks for hanging on...want to grow old with you guys! (hehe.corny but want something REAL!)