Birthday Bash@ Da Purp June 28.Still killin u hoes profile picture

Birthday Bash@ Da Purp June 28.Still killin u hoes


About Me

tennaya layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments..
I am a loveable person who gets along with people well.I love haters so haters keep hatin ima keep doing me!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Getting to Know You
-*- This or That -*-
TV or Movie?: Movie
Love or Hate?: love
Passion or Lust?: passion
Fling or Relationship?: relationship
Downloaded music or CD's?: yes
Stars or Skulls?: stars
Pain or Pleasure?: pleasure
Hot or Cold?: hot
Silky or Smooth?: smooth
Chokers or Necklaces?: necklaces
Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?: neither
McDonalds or Burger King?: mickey d's
Taco Bell or Jack in the Box?: taco bell
Hugs or Kisses?: both
Jedi Master or Sith Lord?: who
-*- Faves -*-
Color?: pink ,yellow, blue
Music style?: rap ,r&b
Band?: ?
Animal?: dog
Mythical Creature?: ?
Make-Up?: yes
Cartoon Character?: tweety bird
Cartoon?: ?
Past time?: high school
Writer?: no
Book?: ?
Actress?: ?
Actor?: Denzel Washington
Movie?: ATL
-*- Do You... -*-
Love you family?: yes
Hate backstabbers?: yes
Feel happy?: yes
Believe in yourself?: yes
Think everything is God's fault?: no
Blame all your problems on someone else?: no
Think Pres. Bush sucks?: yes
Love poetry?: yes like
Like art?: not really
Work?: yes
Believe in angels?: yes
Think things through?: no all the time
Repeat rumors?: no
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Ya fav position? From da back
Do you scratch.? hell no
Do you Bite ? no
what happens when you think about sex? Get horny
how often do you think about it ? everyday
have you ever cried during sex other then ya 1'st time? yes
Do u remember u'r 1's? yes
Where is u'r spot? not telling
whats the oldest age u've had sex wit? 30
When was the last time you've had sex? 2 days ago
do you have a b/f or g/f? neither
Do you think about other people when u'r fucking them? yes(another nigga)
Have you ever wished your mate to be some one else? yes
If so, who and why? Plies
do you make faces when you nut? yes
fucked on period? hell no thats straight nasty!!
Ate while on period? hell no thats straight nasty!!
How you like ya pussy? (for him)
dry or wet: wet of course
fat or small: fat
hairy or shaved: depends
sweet or sour: sweet of course
smelly or none: none bitch
How you like ya dick? (for her)
Thick or thin: Thick
short or tall: Tall
Pretty or ugly: pretty
Veins or smooth: smooth
hard or soft: hard (of course)
Ever tea bagged someone or been tea bagged? no
Ever gave head? i plead the fifth!
Ever got head wit a tounge ring? hell no
Do you have a tounge ring? no
Do you like shay's survey? too damn noisy!


grind on me

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Which Horror Movie Killer Are You? (pics)

Micheal Myers
Um... Micheal...I love your theme song! But anyways, you hate your family, so you want to kill them all. Hey, sounds like fun. A butcher knife is your deal. Are you cooking or killing. Its hard to tell. But you are scary, just look at Jamie Lee Curtis and how she looked when she saw you. Your strong and witty. And also need to seek therapy. Hehee!
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ATL The Movie - Cascade Skate Scene

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*What it do*
Your Name: Ashley
Birthday: July 7,1987
School You Reppin: Northern
Is it Hype: it was
When Hoes Get Out Of Line Do You Put Them In Check: hell yea
Alcohol Drink: grey goose
Color: yellow, pink
Food: chicken, tacos
Song: ima flirt
Movie: Atl
Position: back
What You Look For In A Man...
Darkskinned Or Lightskinned: both
Strong or Weak: strong
Love or lust: love
Sweet or Thugish: thugish
Personality or Looks: personality
Waves or Braids: both
Tall or Short: tall
Older or younger: older
Big dick or Small dick: big
Crooked teeth or Straight: straight
Pretty eyes or Normal: both
Which One
J's or Forces: gotta go with both
Pepe or Apple Bottom: apple bottom
Dick or Pussy: dick
Weed or Blacks: neither
Bloods or Crips: ?
LilWayne or Jeezy: lil wayne
Skittles or Starburst: starburst
Hennesy or Vodka: henney
Do You...
Put yo nigga in check when he showin out: yep
Put Niggas Before Your Friends: no
Believe in God: yes
Believe in The Motto M.O.N.: hell yes
Tell Boys u Love Them Before They Tell You: no
Fall For Love Too Quick: yes
Believe in Quickies: yes
Talk To Ppl Even Though You Dont Like Them: no
Let Niggas Cheat and Still Be With Them: no
Play Any Sports: no
Believe in goin to college: yes im attending now
Which friend...
Makes you happy when your sad: none
Funniest: me
Most Loving: me
Loudest: me
Alcoholic: me
Weed Head: none
Most Blunt: none
Newest: none
Ditziest: none
Closest: me
Are they there for you when you need them: sometimes
Most Ghetto: me
Got your back when its time to bust heads: maybe
Are you
A real friend: yes
There when your friends need ya: yes
A freak: yes
Nice: yes
Ghetto at times: hell yea
A virgin: no
Short or tall: short
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Posted by Birthday Bash@ Da Purp June 28.Still killin u hoes on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:43:00 PST

To all Bisexual women

Look for all u Bisexual women hitting on me STOP IT!!! I dont go that way check the profile i am Strictly Dickly.  U get it , got it, GOOD.
Posted by Birthday Bash@ Da Purp June 28.Still killin u hoes on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:05:00 PST