Hey ya'll, My name is KAYLA. Most of ya call me Kayla, and a few named me Kay... Well I'm 21, Almost 22. I was born and raised here in LaS VeGaS . FuN... FuN... Right?!? I have been working for ReGaL EnTeRtAiNmAnT GrOuP since 2004 . Man that's a long time, But that's totally okay... I did meet my man Hector there so thats a perfectly good reason for being there that long. We have been together since July 2nd 2007 . We come from very different backgrounds are were raised totally opposite, but we make it through the toughest. I love him very much, he is my everything. We had our baby girl on July 3rd, 2008 . Her name is Bella Alessandra. She wasn't due till September 14th, But if you look at her you would never be able to tell. She was born at Mountain View Hospital, But she stayed at Sunrise Childrens Medical Center for about 2 months while her body continued to develope. She is very smart and learns a new thing everyday if you ask me... Our new thing is sticking all our toys in our shirt to carry them around.
Anyways I'm a pretty simple person, or atleast I think I am. But I guess that depends on your perception of me. Although most my friends would tell you I'm a little out there, and have way to many blonde moments to go un noticed. Tiffany will tell you she thinks my brain is loose because I have this odd obsession with cows and cow print. And when it's not COW things it's ORANGE things. When I'm not feeling stupid over my actions a try to be pretty serious, especially for work, but that can be hard... I mean come on I work for a movie theatre... How serious can you be..?!? SOO... When I'm not at work I am either at one of two places: At home or at my Baby's... When I'm at home Tiffany and I are normally being pretty lazy while watching Bella be a crazy baby, but she's a crazy baby no matter where you go. And whn I'm at Hector's I;m either with him or "The Boys". Sometimes both. Now There can be some fun. Thay are always so funny and so amuzing. You can always expect Jr, Dan.e, KiKi, Saul, Tomas, Vaca and Bsome to do something unpredictable and sometimes the joke is on you. Jr and Dan.e are my sweeties, they have been then when i need someone the most and make me feel so much better when i feel I can't. Now I haven't known Dan.e for long but it feels like ofrever just because of how close I've become to him. KiKi Is probably one of the best listeners but possiblly the most stubborn, but thats okay... If he can get the girl he truely loves back because of being stubborn, he knows how to do it... Tomas and Bsome are the "Quiet" ones... But you got to be careful... They are just as Crazy and wild. Saul... Well he is very hugable... And completely and totally crazy. Sometimes it's hard to tell if he's playing or serious. But we love him. Vaca... ::COW:: Sorry... Love cows... Is always happy that I know of, never seen him not smiling over something...
My AIM is Sk8erbabe258 or Moo8Kii06Kii7Cow. My Yahoo is Orangemidget32344 or Moo_KiiKii_Cow. Feel like e-mailing me instead, Great... My e-mail is [email protected] or [email protected]. Pick one and have fun.... Most of ya'll know my cell, if ya don't I guess you got to ask for it then. Otherwise to bad for you. :P
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