The Beginning
Unfeeling cruelty and often-uncalculating rages have defined the bounty-hunting career of Bossk, born the son of Cradossk, leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild, on Trandosha. Being a Trandoshan Bossk began his career by Wookiee hunting, typically considered suicidal if attempted by any other species. During this time, Bossk made a name for himself and began accepting bounties on non-Wookiees as well, becoming one of the galaxy's most feared bounty hunters.----------------------------------------------------
Bossk onced teamed up with Skorr in a hunt for an agent known as Kestrel. They caught up with her on Ord Mantell, but failed to capture their prey.-------------------------------------------------------
Earlier in his career, Bossk had a run-in with Chewbacca and Han Solo that left him vengeful and angrier than even most other Trandoshans. The hunter and his partners had uncovered a Wookiee safe planet and caught the Wookiees just as they were settling in, led by Chewbacca. Just before Bossk could capture the entire group, which would have been a bounteous gift for the scorekeeper indeed, Han Solo returned and destroyed Bossk's ship by landing on it in the Millennium Falcon. The Trandoshan hunter was stranded and left to his own helpless rage. It is rumored that none of his partners survived his anger. After his first ship was destroyed, Bossk purchased the Hound's Tooth and continued his hunting but always kept a special place in his cold heart for his grudge against Chewbacca and Solo.-------------------------------------------------------
At some point during this time, Bossk worked for the Zann Consortium.---------------Taking Control of the Guild-----------------As the rightful heir of the Bounty Hunters Guild, Bossk had been plotting his father's demise for some time. The Guild was everything to the brutal hunter, and he refused to watch his father's senile claws destroy what was rightfully his. After enacting a brutally efficient plot to overthrow Cradossk and set himself up as leader, Bossk went on a bounty with Boba Fett, IG-88, Zuckuss, and D'harhan where he narrowly avoided an assassination attempt by Zuckuss (who was working with Cradossk) by bribing the other hunter to his side. Bossk returned, to the surprise of his father, and violently slaughtered his father as the Guild complex erupted into a massive firefight. After this, however, the Guild had been split in half. Bossk was the leader of the Guild Reform Committee, which consisted mostly of younger hunters, and was fixed on destroying the True Guild, who he saw as old, lazy hunters.Working With Fett... Again.........
Bossk Against his better judgment, Bossk again worked with Boba Fett to track down the rogue stormtrooper Trhin Voss'on't. After nearly dying, Bossk managed to help Fett capture the defect Imperial only to double-cross the other hunter. Bossk reasoned that Voss'on't's bounty could help give the Committee the upper hand in the Bounty Hunter Wars, and would do it much better if he collected all of it. After disabling Slave I's internal defense systems, Bossk captured Fett on his own ship. Luckily for him, Fett had foreseen this complication and had already hired Zuckuss to back him up after gaining the bounty. Bossk was subdued, and then Zuckuss was also double-crossed. Boba Fett in the only escape pod blasted the two hunters out of Slave I. Angrily, Bossk threw a bomb into Fett's ship just before he was launched, which gave the pod enough time to escape.-----------------------------------------------------
Even though Han Solo and Chewbacca again slipped through his claws due to help from Luke Skywalker, Bossk was one of 6 hunters hired by Lord Darth Vader to hunt down and capture Solo. The Trandoshan hunter took it as a point of honor and revenge to capture his wretched Wookiee enemy and his weak human counterpart. He grudgingly teamed up with Tinian I'att and Chenlambec, believing they had inside information about Solo's whereabouts. In fact, it turned out to be a setup to rescue an entire prison full of Wookiees. Bossk barely survived, and his ship was taken by I'att and Chen to ferry the Wookiees back. At some point he managed to steal his ship back, though.
The Final Encounter With Fett------------------------------
Quite some time later, after Boba Fett's "death", Bossk had another run-in with the hated hunter. He was forced to abandon the Hound's Tooth in a panic as a bomb calmly counted down the seconds remaining to detonation. Again, Bossk found himself in an escape pod because of Boba Fett and seethed silently to himself. Suddenly, a countdown began echoing in the escape pod. In frenzy, Bossk tried to find the bomb, and managed to discover just as the countdown reached zero... and nothing happened. It was then that the hunter realized that he had been scared off of his own ship, and he now knew that Fett hadn't in fact been killed by the Sarlacc and was now using the Hound's Tooth as his own ship. Bossk landed on the surface of Tatooine, where he was stranded without any source of money. Luckily for him, he had managed to steal an important piece of evidence from Slave I that led to another show down with Fett in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Bossk held his ground against the fearsome hunter, refusing to give the location of the evidence without money, even with Fett's blaster trained on his forehead. Boba Fett uttered the unthinkable words "You won" and transferred a large amount of credits into Bossk's account in exchange for the evidence. It is believed that Bossk used this money (not to mention this new respect he earned for defeating Boba Fett) to get back on his feet in the bounty-hunting world. It is unknown when or if he retrieved the Hound's Tooth or what he did with the newly gained credits.
Years after the Battle of Endor, Bossk retired from professional hunting. He still killed people from time-to-time, just for the feeling of it. He later ran into Han Solo on a space station orbiting Ord Mantell during the Yuuzhan Vong War. When he heard of Chewbacca's death, Bossk rubbed it in Solo's face... and got a fist in his mouth. After the small encounter, Bossk and Solo were put into arrest cells. Solo was allowed to leave shortly before the invasion of the space station, but Bossk had to stay. His ultimate fate remains uncertain, yet it is said that a small pod went jetting out of the confinement cell area into space before the implosion of the space station.
Date of birth 53 BBY
Gender Male..............................................
eight 1.9 meters.........................................
Eye color Red.............................................
Chronological and political information--------------------
Era(s) Rise of the Empire era, Rebellion era, New Republic era, New Jedi Order era
Affiliation Bounty Hunters Guild, Zann Consortium
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