Eastern philosophy and practice. I teach Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra.
Dedicated musicians who prefer to play original material.
My first project was The Seven Deadly Sins. It's moody and intense all original death rock. For those interested I'll send you our full length cd produced by Cue Studios. My next project was Femme Fatale, a straight ahead rock and roll band. I'm seeking to join or form another original rock project. My root influences are early ac-dc, the doors, the rolling stones, the who, later Beatles, Hendrix, Zeppelin, T Rex, bowie, The stooges, the clash, Johnny Cash, original Misfits. Blues influences: Robert Johnson, Son House, Muddy waters, Bo diddley, John Lee Hooker, Josh White. Newer influences: The Hives, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Lords of Altamont, the white stripes, current favorite is Queens of the Stone Age.
My life is better than your TV!!!
The Upanishads, The Yoga Sutras, The Tao Teh Ching, The Dhammapada, Siddharta, the Tantras and Agamas, The Heart Sutra, The Diamond Sutra, The Lotus Sutra, The Nag Hammadhi papers, Daughters of the Goddess, Living with the Himalayan Masters, The lives of the Mahasiddhas, The Bardo Thoritrol (the Tibetan book of the dead) Aghora I,II and III, anything on Kali.
Shiva, Kali, Ganesha, Patanjali, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Satchidananda, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Satguru Bodhinathaveylanswami, Mata Amrityanandamayi ma, Anandamayi ma, Sri Ma, Vimalananda, The historical Buddha, Padmasambhava, Avalokiteshwara, Manjusri, Yesua, Rumi, Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Swami Rama and Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.