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What's your sign? AQUARIUS
Are you in a relationship? NO
Are you in Love? NOT YET
Have you ever been in Love? YES
How many times? ONCE
Have you ever had your heart broken? NO
Do you believe in Love at first sight? YES
What's one of the biggest sacrifices you've made to be with someone? MOVED TO ANOTHER STATE
Do you regret it? YES
Have you ever cheated on someone? NO
How many times? 0
Has anyone ever cheated on you? YES
How many times, that you know of? ?
What line of work do you do? ACTING
What's your hobbies? LIVING, LOVING AND WRITING
What's your favorite sport? BASKETBALL
What type of music do you listen to? R&B, HIP HOP
Who's your favorite singer? BEYONCE
Why is that person your favorite? SHE'S ALL THE WOMAN THAT IÃM
If you had one wish, what would it be? MAKE A DOCUMENTARY OF MY LIFE
Do you believe in second chances? YES
How many times? 2x's
Do you drink alcohol? SOMETIMES
Do you smoke? NO
How often? 0
What are your goals in life? TO HAVE MY OWN TALK SHOW
What are you accomplishments? GETTING MY MASTERS DEGREE
Do you believe in Astrology? YES
Do you read your Horoscope? SOMETIMES
How accurate is it usually? PRETTY ACCURATE
If there were one peson you could fall in Love with & live the perfect life with, Who would it be? MY SOUL PERSON
MySpace Glitter Graphics