I started Knox for Philly out of my belief in people and drive to engage the citizens of Philadelphia in a partnership for positive change. I'm reaching out to the Myspace community so that we'll have yet another way to stay connected. I want to hear from you. Let's work together.
Pay to play will never end unless we end it. City Hall will never listen unless we speak up. Change will never come unless we work for it. Election Workers Needed for Knox for Philly
May 12-15, 2007
Help Get Out the Vote and Fight to Bring Change to Philadelphia!
For more information call 215-636-0660 or email Colby at ColbyBlock@KnoxforPhilly.com
I hope you'll visit our website to find out what you can do in the fight to turn Philadelphia around!
Who Is Tom Knox?
The son of a steelworker, Tom grew up in the Abbotsford housing projects in East Falls.Tom joined the Navy at age 16. During his 4 years of service, Tom sent home half of his pay, the most the Navy would allow, to help support his 3 younger brothers.As Deputy Mayor for management and productivity, Tom worked with Ed Rendell to turn Philadelphia's quarter of a billion dollar deficit into a 10 million dollar surplus in just 18 months, and he did so for a salary of just 1 dollar per year.Tom promised to leave office as soon as the deficit had been eliminated. Not a professional politician, Tom kept his promise and left office one week after the budget had been balanced.Now, Tom has started Knox for Philly because he believes in the power of people coming together, pushing for change, and working to turn Philadelphia around.Be sure to visit our website for detailed information on THE ISSUES!