division alpha profile picture

division alpha

About Me

Biography Final phase of a SF concept written by DIVISION ALPHA , PALINGENESY sheds light on the planet Psykron and answers all the citizens’ questions about her origin . The survivors discover the truth after the war against the machines ( REPLIKA) Unique , mature and intense , Palingenesy reveals a new musical quality that strengthens the matchless style of DA . Metal perfectly sounds with electro-indus dear to the band . Palingenesy is merely a musical journey far away onto a planet thrown into confusion…
Philippe Reinhalter and Frederic Fievez formed Division Alpha in 1998 . Their first 4-track CD called DA-recorded in the Psykron studio and released in 1999- has been praised for its creativity and personality. The first album FAZIUM ONE – produced by Holy Records and released in February 2000- is based on science -fiction . It is the first chapter of a tetralogy that deals with a civilization alike mankind . It is a real symbiosis between music and lyrics …Citizens isolated by a machine and plunged into a cold and oppressive music…
After their French tour full of originality , DA wrote the second chapter called The Dekta Release in November 2001. The two French leaders have practically pushed their style beyond the human limits , so that one may wonder if they are really human! Then during the following year , they mixed for other bands, and in September 2002 they composed “ Cobalt hope” , the first track of “ Holy Bible IV “ , a compilation which showed their mature work . This song became the opening track of their next album called REPLIKA – the third chapter of Psykron- where conflicts and war progressively bring desolation and chaos on the planet.
During the year 2004 , DA made some improvements in their recording studio and worked on some song mixing such as “believe” for PSY, ”buried filae” for RAJNA (album Black Tears, Holy Records) and “ex animo” for SUP (plus a video in late 2006)
After a few concerts , the band also performed in 2005 at the “Holy Party” a Holy Records festival ,and conceived their live video album for the label .
Meanwhile , the band was already working on their next album PALINGENESY , recorded between September and November 2005 and released in March 2006 . DA welcome Alexandre Jomin who succeeds to Paul Banas at the keyboard , and Jerome Reinhalter on drums .They have already performed in Grenoble and are now rehearsing their last album…

Biographie C'est en 1998 que Philippe REINHALTER et Frederic FIEVEZ fondent DIVISION ALPHA. A peine sorti du Psykron studio en Septembre 1999, l'eponyme CD 4 titres sera fort remarque par sa personnalite et sa cretivite est en Fevrier 2000 que le premier album FAZIUM ONE est edite chez Holy Records l'album fait l'unanimite. Impregne par la science-fiction, DIVISION ALPHA sort le premier chapitre d'une quadrilogie sur l'histoire d'une civilisation proche du genre humain est la parfaite symbiose entre musique et texte...Une civilisation opprimee par la machine decrite par une musique froide et oppressante...
Apres une tournee francaise, DIVISION ALPHA produit le second chapitre "THE DEKTA RELEASE" en Novembre 2001...Le duo francais enfonce le clou en poussant son style a ses limites humaines...Certains se demanderont meme si les membres de DIVISION ALPHA sont humains!...
Entre temps le groupe s'offre un repit d'un an pour se consacrer a d'autres projets musicaux notamment quelques remixs pour d'autres formations...En Septembre 2002, un morceau inedit "Cobalt hope" ouvrant la compilation "Holy bible IV" temoigne deja de l'etonnante maturite musicale du groupe...Une composition qui amorcera ce que deviendra un an plus tard "REPLIKA", l album du chaos sur Psykron.
En 2004, le groupe remanie son studio et elabore quelques remixs: Psy "Believe", Rajna "Buried filae" figurant sur "Black tears" (holy102CD) et SUP "ex animo" agremente d'une creation video qui paraitra fin 2006. Apres une serie de concert, le groupe figurera a l affiche de la Holy party en Janvier 2005 et s'occupera de la post-production audio et vid..o de leur concert. Le DVD de l evenement sort en Decembre 2005.
Entre temps, le groupe songe deja au prochain album et l enregistrement se fait entre Septembre et Novembre 2005 pour enfin finaliser l album en Mars 2006. Le groupe integre entre temps Alexandre JOMIN qui remplacera Paul BANAS au clavier ainsi que Jerome REINHALTER a la batterie.

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Member Since: 11/15/2006
Band Website: divisionalpha.fr
Band Members: Philippe Reinhalter, Frédéric Fievez, Jérôme Reinhalter, Alexandre Jomin
Influences: Nine inch nails, Pestilence, Voivod
Record Label: Holy records
Type of Label: Indie

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