I'm Karen, most call me Kaz and some call me spaz, joanne calls me kazmangoo, jess calls me aids and poodles. You will probably find me in Zone on a monday and Friday (half of the night in the toilets with jess and her stupid bladder.. and if not there come see me at the Stupid Whiterose Shopping Centre!!! thats all.. :o)
I love Queng Gwans, Men and the colour Pink :o) I love my Poodle Oscar and my best friend joanne shes a star... literally! shes gonna turn into one big star someday! her boyfriend matthew isnt all that bad either :oP even if he has stolen her off me!! This is her...I also rather like my doodles, we enjoy lots of sleepovers, playing scrabble, monopoly and a bit of guess who now and again! Shes got a bit of aids, but i still love her! This is she..