Welcoming Italians and Italian/Italo-Americans who are Republican, happen to vote Republican or just lean right of center.
As a group, for better or worse, Italians are preceived to be a monolithic bloc, with consistent views and ideologies that tend to vote primarily Democrat. History tells us that this is due to the fact that Italians, like many other immigrant gorups before us, settled in cities and urban areas, accepted jobs in unions or other trade organizations -- the traditional turf of the Democratic Party.
Nevertheless, just like the Irish, Chinese, Jews, Germans and other ethnic groups before us, Italians and Italo-Americans have splintered into various factions and are no longer a truly monolithic group of voters. Sure there are things that certainly unite us -- a sense of community, a believe in family and faith, a strong sense of pride in our traditions and customs -- but no longer are we a uniform group of individuals that vote with the Democrats or the Left.
Regardless, this preconceived notion of Italians being steadfast and loyal to the Democratic Party and affiliated groups remains to this day. And an unfortunate side effect has been a persistent association of corruption and payoffs through unions, backroom dealings between the mafia, labor leaders, politicians and other 'fronts' which 'sly and sneaky' Italians use to gain political ends. One could argue that this percieved mentality has reinforced the stereotype that all Italians are mob-related or have some connection to criminal activity and shady polictics.
And, this has added up to a precieved (and sometimes actual) alignment with the Left and the Democratic Party.
But, don't be fooled. Italians today cover the full spectrum of political thought and ideologies - Including embracing Republican Ideals!
Therefore, we look to move beyond this "Democrat Only" perception and join like minded Italian/Italo-American individuals who vote along with the GOP. Whether you are more of a moderate Italian Republican like Rudy Giuliani and George Pataki or more a conservative Italian Republican like Al D'Amato and Antonin Scalia, you are more than welcome here!