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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well hi everyone, well first off, an old friend introduced me to this thing. She's a singer/songwriter and she's flipping excellent. You'll find her music on her music page kojii music in my list of friends, or go directly via . Check her out. Well koj, there's an quick and easy plug for ya. I'm only spreading the good music... And secondly, if you are wondering where I got the backdrop picture for my webpage, you'll find the photographer in my friend's list. Dayna is her name and you'll find more pictures on her site and also here and here .
Right back to me. I can be a total 'space cadet' at times and am fasinated by the goings on of life. I am innately shy, however those who have only gotten to know me in the last 6 years wouldnt see that.. at all! But its still there and everyday I actively seek out new situations to put myself in in order to become more confident and self-assured, and I can tell you I love it! That buzz you get when you're feeling nervous/scared/anxious is common parcel to living your life to the full and should be done as much as possible. Its a cliché but its true.
I am highly perceptive and observant of those around me and the happenings around me. Understanding the little and seemingly insufficant things things in life as well as the big and obvious things are important I believe and has made me feel a lot wiser, combated any sort of paranoia I may otherwise be prone to, and made my life easier to enjoy, with little or no stress involved. I am very easy going, but in no way a pushover. I have noticeablely been used in the past but as long as I get what I want out of the situation and I know where I stand, it wont bother me that much. I am very independent, and would consider thinking, being alone at times (as we all need to do I feel) and being pensive over matters a hobby of sorts. Gives me some time to organise thoughts and opinions that helps me fully understand me better and those I come into contact with. I have a little bit of a competitive streak in me ;) and can sometimes be quite stubborn. I am very trusting but extremely non-naive. I believe in second chances and sometimes third chances but dont ever cross me. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and dont believe in jumping to conclusions. It only causes unnecessary pain and grief for yourself and those around you, and takes even more time to fix than the initial problem to begin with. I avoid UNNECESSARY conflict but like I said I am no pushover, and never never do wrong by my family and friends. They are dearest thing to me. Without them I wouldnt be who I've been moulded to be. I try not to let bad things get to me. Good and bad things happen. Whether we ever realise the reason for it or not, something good and unexpected can always be taken away from the occurences, even if it is indirect and something that you may not see for a long time to come. So in short, I am an optimist. It took some doing but my life is better for it. I wish I was more self-motivating. I can be lazy, and firmly believe myself to have talent in several aspects and wish I had more drive to explore more of these traits to their fullest. I need people around as much as possible but like I said I love my alone time too to reflect, do nothing or veg.
I take pride in the fact I consider myself a romantic. Not too many of them around these days I notice but you'll have that I guess. I guess my biggest fear is a feeling of being alone or actually being alone, but thankfully that certainly isn't the case anyhow. I welcome any new people into my life, because I've learned whether they turn out to be someone bad or not, they can have a positive effect on me. I learn from other peoples mistakes as well as my own.
After my family and friends, my IMMENSE loves are MUSIC and food. I dont discriminate against any form of music. If its good, its good in my book. I need to listen to music all the time! I am usually a chilled out person but you should see how cranky, sarky and cutting I can get when I don't have some sort of a melody flowing into my ears on a frequent basis. Its great for escaping into my lala-land where I can get away from stresses I would rather not let get to me. Music gives me confidence. Dont know if you think that weird but its true. I love the way there is so much of it, so many genres that you can always find a song suited to the exact specific mood you are in... or want to be in!
Another thing you may have already guessed, I can ramble on too. I love conversing with people, whether its a deep convo or over silly things that make no sense to anyone including me, but can put a smile on my face. Oh I LOVE LAUGHING! Its obvious why but its rocks anyhow! I am definitely not right in the head, but it makes my life more interesting and gives me more oppportunities to laugh more I've noticed so its all good. I have a mass amount of friends and I am happy to say its one of the best and favourite achievements I've done for myself in my lil ol' 24 years of being on this planet.
Other than that, I'm doing a PhD in neuroscience. I enjoy it but I get my kicks outside of work. I am interested in what I do and can do it well but I have that feeling I may end up doing something else, or at least something else as well as this profession! Something more adventerous... creative, maybe. I believe myself to be destined for something big and good, even if its something only big and good to me! I enjoy trying new things and love extreme sports big time. When I do watch tv, the channel you'll find me watching is Extreme Sports. Snowboarding is something I have become very passionate about over the last number of years. It is a cat's pyjamas! Rock climbing rules too. Right if you got to the end of this, seriously fair play. In short, enjoy life as much as possible, and even though people say never be afraid to do new things, sometimes being afraid is a plus too. So there is no excuse for not attempting or doing the things you want to do! One life. And I know I should be listening to that advice a bit more myself! Oh yeah and obviously I can type fast, otherwise I wouldnt have been bothered writing all this!!!!!!!!!!!
Amnesty International "Imagine"

Rodrigo y Gabriela - Diablo Rojo video

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people and being introduced to new music, however just as I've noticed written on other people's profiles, I too would prefer if you didn't add me to your friends list unless I either know you or am getting to know you. So message me if you wanna add me and we'll go from there! Cheers all.

My Blog

2 THINGS... I cheated on some by giving more than 2!

Two Parts of Your Heritage1. IRISH2. more IRISH!Two Things That Scare You1. giving presentations2. cant think of anything else at the moment. Maybe thats a good thing, no?Two of Your Everyday Essentia...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 05:40:00 GMT

my weekend in short

Well I stared at the mountain, wallet in hand, dressed for battle, and made off on a happy buzz; reached the top with an almighty hangover, persevered, and came back down the other side only to arrive...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

something I feel like sharing...

Hey all!well I just wanna say I went to see a hero in my book last night. Mr. Mark Knopfler! Man I love that dude. He is the shit! The cat's pyjamas. And I am still reeling from it all. Ah the memorie...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

somethings you may not know

(x) smoked a cigarette(x) smoked a cigar(x) smoked anything else() made out with a member of the same sex() crashed a friend's car() stolen a car(x) been in love(x) been dumped(x) shoplifted() been fi...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

extract from a corner of my brain

Hey all, been a while since I said anything on these things so thought I'd post one for a change. I wonder out of you all will even read this blog once they're up. So of late I've been trying to figu...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

some 50 questions I found myself answering...

01. Your name spelled backwards: frums!!! no but really nevik!!!!!!! 02. Where were your parents born?: Wexford and Mayo (Ireland) 03. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

Best day of the week!!!!!

ITS FRIDAY!!!! My God I love Fridays!! Friday evening too, cos you cant be any further away from Monday morning than you are as you are leaving work on a Friday evening! Going to Bell X1 tonight too ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT