Chaz profile picture


I`m aimin' for heaven, but probably wind up down in hell

About Me

Hey! My name is Chaz. I live in parker with my 4 other roommates. I go to metro for electrical engineering with a computer engineering focus. I love to hang out with my friends and be totally weird. I love to party and have a great time. I suck at beer pong but i can hold my liquor. My game is kings cup and always will be! I love to laugh and make people laugh! It is the best feeling in the world. Talk to me and we will chill...Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Chaz La Berge
Nicknames:: chazersize, spaz, way to many to name.
Birthplace:: Denver, Colorado
Current Location:: Parker, Colorado
Hair Color:: Blonde
Eye Color:: It changes with the color shirt i wear but usually green and some brown in them.
Height:: 5'9
Weight:: 140
Tatoos?:: yes right arm.
Piercings?:: nope.
Overused Phrase:: Indeed
Bedtime:: Whenever i fall alsleep
Best Physical Feature:: I dont think i have one. But i'm told my abs.
Most Embarassing Moment:: Finding out what i did when i was drunk and all my friends laughing at me. lol
Most Missed Memory:: Movie nights....oh how i miss you.
First Thought When You Wake Up:: What time is it?
Best Friends:: Aaron, melissa, jenny.
Goal For The Year::
Greatest Fears::
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: I dont drink soda anymore.
McDonalds or Burger King...: McDonalds only when i'm drunk.
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: Depends on how the day is.
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Chocolate
Water or Milk...: Water all the way baby.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Hot chocolate
Hugs or Kisses...: BOTH!
Cats or Dogs...: i have a cat but i'm getting a dog.
Summer or Winter...: Winter=snowboarding. Summer=swimming
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: Scary Movies
Love or Money...: love all the way!
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: Purple Grapes
Perferred Eye Color:: doesn't matter.
Perferred Hair Color:: doesn't matter.
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Same question.
Perferred Height:: shorter than me.
Perferred Weight:: Whatever they are comfortable.
Looks or Personality...: Both
Hot or Cute...: Every girl i like is hot to me.
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: Toned
Number:: 7, 42
Food:: Sushi!
Type of Music:: All kinds of music.
Candy:: um...twix.
Color:: Green!
Animal:: Monkey!
Drink:: Green tea.
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: The eyes.
Movie:: i'm a movie whore!
Past Time:: Going out on dates!
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: Yes sir!
Smoked?: yea..
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Bullied Someone?: prob at one point in time in my life.
Skinny Dipped?: no but willing to try.
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: nope
Toliet Papered Someones House?: yep!
Played Poker W/ Money?: yep!
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: no
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: i'm not ticklish
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk?: again..
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: yeah..
Went Camping?: Oh heck yes!
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: Yeah i've been drunk quite a few times
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: no only child.
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: nope.
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: yeah it is the best feeling being in a warm rain.
Danced In The Rain?: Yeah i'm white i can't dance.
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: All the time!
Been On Stage?: yes i used to be in choir and played the piano in front of a crowd.
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: no...
Been To A Nude Beach?: no..
Cursed In Church?: eh maybe once.
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: yes.... yes i have..
Burnt Yourself?: Oh yeah. Sadly on my computer...
Been Dumped?: yep.
Dumped Someone?: Most definally!
Been In Love?: I thought so but who knows.
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: sadly yes...
Wanted To Be A Model?: No but told i should be.
Wanted To Be In The Olmpics?: No i would get my ass kicked.
Bought Lottery Tickets?: oh yeah. Who wouldn't want bunches of free money.
Made Out In A Car?: Oh yeah lots of time.
Cried During A Movie?: No but almost durning The Pursuit of Happyness
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: Yeah all the time. This is why they are wants..
Made Love On The Beach?: no i was with aaron it would have been akward afterwards. lol
Shoplifted?: yeah when i was like 3 and i wanted a sucker so i just took it.
Seen Someone Shoplift?: Oh yeah. Then i left and had nothing to do with it.
Hung Up On Someone?: Oh yeah. You piss me off i'm not talking to you.
Yelled At Your Pet?: Yeah when they are stupid i yell at them.
Gotten Seasick?: No but i used to get motion sickness.
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: No.
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: yeah kinda a stupid question.
Stalked Someone?: no..
Had A Stalker?: nope but taking applications.
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: oh heck yes!
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: Oh yeah my parents find it funny.
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: no i figure if i don't eat them. They would just go to waste.
Protested?: nope.
Been To An Island?: Oh yeah!!
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: All the time! I eat all i want and nothing happens.
Screamed In A Library?: no. lol
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: Yeah at a few parties.
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: nope. but have been on the other end.
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: All the time. But that is why i work out.
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: Oh yeah all the time i'm very out going.
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: Oh yeah stupid youth days..(last year)
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: Yeah on St. Patricks day when clinton tackled me!
Threw Up In School?: Oh yeah i threw up in the sinks that they used to have in the classroom.
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed?: nope.
Wore Something You Hated?: Yeah all the time when i was younger.
Wore Something To Match Someone?: Yeah i went to prom.
Been To A Luau?: Yep yep. Threw one for aaron's birthday.
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: Yep..
Been On TV?: Yeah i got interview for some money show about the rising gas prices..
Been Outta The Country?: Oh yeah mexico and Ireland my favorite!
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: Yeah i was shaking my booty. (lack there of)
Won A Pool Game?: Yeah one of my friends had one in high school.
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: All the time in high school.
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: Hungover to work quite a few times.
Dieted?: never
Had An Eating Disorder?: no
Cheated On Your Other?: yes biggest mistake of my life.
Been Cheated On?: not to my knowledge.
Been Paid To Date Someone?: never.
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: no never.
Tanned Topless?: Duh all the time!
Been Strip Searched?: no but i have been pat down before.
Been On A Plane?: yep!
Been On A Cruise?: no want too.
Been Pantsed In Public?: no lol
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: yeah..
Broke Someone's Heart?: yeah
Sung In The Shower?: Oh yeah!
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: yes yes i have.
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: All the time best way to get over it!
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: no. But i have been walked in while undessing.
Been Walked In On While Showering?: nope.
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: no
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: no
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: no. But got kicked off a golf course for that reason!
Been In Detention?: yep!
Feel Off A Roof?: no
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: no. lol Now i know there tricks.
Been In A Wreck?: yes but a minor one.
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: no
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: no gross.
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: oh heck yes!
Been Shot?: Yeah in the eye! With an airsoft gun!
Had A Water Gun War?: Yes and that is when i threatened them.
Been Arrested?: nope.
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: yes.
Country You Wanna Visit:: Japan!
Way You Wanna Die:: In my sleep as an old grandpa.
Like Thunderstorms?: Yes!
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: I love them!
R U A Health Freak?: no but i'm starting to become one.
U Think Ur Attractive?: sometimes.
Do You Believe In Yourself?: yes.
Wanna Get Married?: Oh yeah!
Wanna Go To College?: already there!
Shower Daily?: Is there any other way?
Want Kids?: Yes one boy and one girl in that order.
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: already did.
Do U Hate Anyone?: Hate is a strong word so yes i do.
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: no.
Do You Think You Can Sing?: nope.
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: yes.
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: Heck yes.
Can You Whistle?: Yep and i'm a very good teacher.
Can You Walk In High Heels?: no way. i have no idea how girls do it but it is hot.
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: no i like it pitch black.
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: no
Can You Multitask?: yes i can very well.
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: nope
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: no it is freaking tiny.
Do You Spit?: nope
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: yes
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: Someone to make a decision.
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: Sexy for him, and coolwater.
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: somesort of all natural body wash.
What's Your Favorite Scent?: tea tree oil.
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: I would but it would get very very boring.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is freaking awesome to be around!


I'm a music whore. I love all kinds of music! As long as me and whoever enjoy it and make complete fools of our selfs then i don't care!


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I love the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series. I need to finish harry potter series as well.

My Blog

If you ever played a video game with me you will find this funny.

If you have ever played a video game with me and know the name i use you will find this funny! I thought it was hilarious! 72...
Posted by Chaz on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:48:00 PST

Ponder Me This!

Did you ever stop and wonder... Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why toasters always have a setting so high...
Posted by Chaz on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 11:20:00 PST