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IF YOU CATCH A bKULLET FROM A CLIP...U NOE U FUCCED WIT A CRIP...LET IT TRIP LET IT FALL....LET THA CRIPS KILL DEM ALL...LET IT RAIN LET IT FLOOD...LET THA CRIPZ KILL DA BkLOODS...CRIPS GO TO HEAVEN CUZZ THA SKY IS BkLUE, ...BkLOODS GO TO HELL CUZ THEY AINT TRUE...CRIPPIN AINT EASY BkUT ITS DAMM FUN FOE SHO...KILL A SLOBk WIN A PRIZE...KILL A CRIP YOUR WHOLE FAMILY - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace Layouts - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace LayoutsGaNgZstHa sZaYiN...^ A gAnGsztAh hOpPiN oN tHa szTrEeTzs wEaRiN ThEiR BeSzt gEaRsz.. tRuE hOmMiEsz aNd bEsZt BiTcHesZ oN tHa bAck eNjOyiN PuFFiN' sOmE wEeDzs aNd tHuGGiN wALLsz oN DiRTy SztReEtzS whERe EaCh aNd EvERyOnE isZ LoAdEd WiTh thiEr uNiQuE gUnzS, ReAdy tO pLAy szOmE gAmE WitH fOezS, nOt tHiNkiN' wHAt MaY hApPeNsz NeXt, BuT oNLy oNe DamN tHaNg' RemAiNzs in thEiR mInDsZ, wHoSze ThA ReAL 'G' aNd tRuE HoMmiE wiLL StANd oUt?!! I wANt tHa wHoLe WoRLd hEaR ThAt DiZ gAnGztAh sHiT!! WiLL kEeP yO hEAd uP!!! Nd kEeP iT TiGhT!! - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace Layouts - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace Layouts - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace Layouts - Pimp Text - Bling Text - MySpace Layouts