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About Me

Typically referred as "ton","niiah",or "pretty"! ue'e! Lolz! My talofaz & warm grettings to one & aLL! A young samoan woman named "Tanyah Alofamoni Cherishlynn Luafaletele Ma'ilo" who was born and raised on a beautiful island called samoa. this wondrous place is a reflection of paradise on earth and it has always been my own LiL'UTOPIA ,my HOME. A simple and friendly indivdual who is proud of her polynesian rootz! I am immensely family-oriented and i have ancestry to the (Aga Clan) from the village of fagaitua,and i also have ancestry to the (Ma'ilo Clan) from the village of vailoatai.As a famous saying reads "simplicty is the true essence in life",so i keep things simple.First and foremost, i live to serve my loRd GoD whom is the creator of all things in this world and in heaven.Secondly,i live for my family! I seek to live the morals and family values instilled in me by my family since birth.I live for my family and i love them to bitz! My family instilled in me another important aspect of my life,my samoan heritage! I was raised to live,love and always embrace my samoan culture.Ask me what it means to be SAMOAN and i'll answer with a simple smile and say you are looking at it my friend! *smiles* "O samoa o si ou nu'u pele ou te mitamita ai i aso uma"! I am proud to be samoan and wherever i may go and whatever i may pursue,my samoan rootZ will always accompany me! "O a'u le TEINE SAMOA MONI ma o mea uma o te faia e tu'u i luma le atua. I am a GoD-fearing individual and i strongly believe that if you have GOD you caN neve go wRong! Humble yourself before the lord and he will bless you abundantly! Much AlofaZ to aLL & SoifuA!:)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My grandfather the late Masani Lumanai Ma'ilo & Antonio Alberto Sorento,my beloved grandmother Fa'ataualofa Si'itoelau Ma'ilo...and all my family,friends and loved ones who have passed on...each and every one of you live in my heart until we meet again."Rest In Love"

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