anime, baseball, bass, computers, dane cook, drums, ebay, final fantasy, erotic stories, friendships, guitar, history, individuality, jagermeister, massages, meaning of life, mets, mtg, music, nes, not following society norms, nyc, originality, philosophy, polyamory, porn, ps2, relationships, simpsons, subways, sushi, traveling, vacations.
People who are not bound by society's norms. Someone who thinks outside the box. Someone to hang out with, have a few drinks, go to movies, and have fun.
This guys says I should meet you, and I agree
If you've read this much, and aren't freaked or weirded out, then I definitely would want to meet you.
White Stripes, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Rush, STP, The Sweathogs/Happy Anarchy, Alice in Chains, Audioslave, REM, Talking Heads, A Tribe Called Quest, The Who, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Cure, AFI, Weezer, Jet, Franz Ferdiand.
Austin Powers, LOTR, Matrix, ..
I don't watch much TV anymore, but shows I like to watch are The Simpsons, Law & Order, Futurama, and Family Guy
The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. Hazards of Being Male.
Hilel Slovak, John Bohnam, Mighty KC