WhAT up 2010'' i hope you're all doing what you wanna do'' That's the way we get it''' I'm on twitta @off2thaboneyard but i dont tweet much follow my RT's tho lol.. Congrats.2 all my graduates'' kin' folk and luv'd 1's"" ya'LL said it''' and now it's here! .>>and i'm jus havin a blast with it.. GoD BlesSS you ALL... shout out real quick tho to Mr. Frank Nitty, Bad Azz tha President of California, Creolepatra the Ambasador to the WESTCOAST'''BiGG Snoop DoGG thank you kin folk''' Slip Capone the mayor of Hawthorne, 40 gloCC www.40glocc.com , KoOL BoY WesTcoast Pop Lockers..Tip Toe, FREE TIP!! ZOO LIFE ent.'''Grittystyle ent. Double Dollar $ign inc. also thanks to Provacative clothing, Crooks & Castles, Rich & Infamous clothing"" checc bacc often 2 see what new music im listening to and leave a comment for fucc's sakes''