marvin profile picture


FATE s smply buildin a brdge f chance 4 d 1 u LOVE

About Me

****a mirror---a light--an image...***** ***three things one need to see one's self...*** ***the image reflected is a perfection of one's real image visible to one's own eyes...*** *****marvin---a light--- a friend...***** ***three things one need to see one's self...*** ***a reflection of a friend's image is almost a perfection of the person's real image when facing in front of me...*** ***it is you, in front of me, who dictates my personality...*** *** i am who you are to me...*** @@@but the light is always the grace of GOD in my life, which is the most important factor for one to see one's own image in a mirror; and how i reflect a friend's image to my character...@@@

My Interests

basketball, poems, adventure, anything with nature, star gazing, theatre, beach nightout

I'd like to meet:

any-juz add me:[email protected] is my email add... sa friendster ko: [email protected] email add ko.=)


maybe, more than you'll ever know, warrior is a child, heart of worship, desperate for You, heaven knows, you were there, dream about you, somebody, diary, your song, kahit kailan, let me be the one, overjoyed, goodbye, ...


LAST SAMURAI,lord of the ringsI, II, III, hook, peterpan, moulin rouge, my sassy girl, matrixI, II, III, bicentennial man, i am sam, pay it forward, magnifico, magdalene sisters, daylight, armageddon, independence dayetc.


mr bean (disney channel), art attack


alchemist, tuesdays with morrie, WORD of GOD, the giver, tender warrior.


superman, peter pan, JESUS CHRIST

My Blog

true love-do you know?

What is true love? --------------------- I may be able to speak the languages of men and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or clanging bell. I may have the...
Posted by marvin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

love: God said...

"I want you to stop wishing, stop planning, stop dreaming and allow me to give you the most thrilling plan existing. One that you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow me to bring...
Posted by marvin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


"we make a lot of detours, but we're always heading for the same destination. books are like caravans in that respect." -alchemist-
Posted by marvin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fear no failure

"if a person is living out his personal legend, he know everything he nees to know. there is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." -the ...
Posted by marvin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST