huhu.. interest 2 everything.. sports car.. verry-verry lah!! n i'm dying to hv my own bus.. easy 2 pick up everyone (fwens).. huahaha..hmm..playing coz dude.. live band... dancing... clubin.. studying..liltle-liltle..jz when i'm free..all kind of cheese..da thing i love most 2 do is.HANG AROUND WIT MA FWENS..muah a'ha LUCKY BALL *wink*!!
I'd like to have chat with George W. Bush about stem cell research, oil fields, telling lies about weapons of mass destruction, abusing prisoners, marriage, and family values. I was always told honesty was the greatest virtue... meet grandsons of osama bin laden... huahahahahahaha
I LiKE Any KiND Of Musics.. I LikE RnB, RoCk, PunK rOCk, RaP pUNK Rock, POp AnD maNY mORE iF I thiNK ItS a GReat SoNGS...
tHE aViatOr, watER worlD, pOLar exprESs, sTar waRs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, stAr GatE, staR tRacK, StaR sHip trOOper, u gOt sERve... aGEnt cODy bANks.... iTALiAn jOB.... cAtWOmEn.... i;RoBoT mEan g!rL... sHrEk.... dIE hARd.... vAN heLsiNg.... 40 dAys 40 n!Ght.... eurOtrIP.... gOd mUst bE cRazY.... Ali G inDaHouse
baWaNG putIh bAwaNg MerAh, Akademi Fantasia, d!aRi AF, rOSwEll, sMaLLviLLe, b!rDs oF pREy, sURvivOr, tHe aMaZ!ng rACe, fR!eNds,cHarMed oNe, hOuse, fEAr fACtor, duNIa baRu, aNita, dunIa jAM 10, niGht linE, 999, jEjaK rasUl, CSI, Al-Kuliyyah...
kitab-kitab suci, HoLY........