general things you need to know:
1. ive grown up. im ready to start my life and move on. im not like these little children at my school anymore. im no longer immature, i see things in a different light now.
2. unoriginal bands are not very entertaining. i also dont find very much interest in major label bands (the popular bands). for the most part, you will catch me listening to bands youve never heard before. im glad im 17, finally, and im going to enjoy this year with all its worth. i want to be able to look back and say "hey, my 17th year alive was one of the best yet"
3. im 17 and growing older each day. ive learned over time that maturity comes with age, but ive achieved that goal before any of my peers.
4. im pretty flirty with almost anyone. if im hitting on you, dont let yourself get lead on. chances are, i probably dont like you like that.
5. i dislike being stuck at my home. i prefer being outside with someone doing something stupid than be inside my house.
6. i am who i am and i cant change that. nor do i plan on changing that. i like who im turning into, who im turning out to be, and im really proud of who i am. some people make fun of me and say things about me that they may think is offensive, but its not. if i honestly cared about their opinions, then i wouldnt be who i am, and i wouldnt do what i do unless they approved of it. im not a follower of popular trends, and i never will be. if people dont like me for that, then they dont like me for that. my purpose in this life is to have fun, and i cant do that when im busy worrying what people think of me.
7. i am a god believer. i.e., i believe in god, i am christian and saved by (and through) his grace and his grace only. i may do some things that you may not agree with, and i may make some mistakes, i may live life in a different way than you, but that doesnt mean that in any way im not christian. if you have a problem with my lifestyle and how i live, come confront me about it, although i doubt ill change for you.
8. i dont judge people. i dont make fun of people who dont diserve it. you can be the ugliest, most disgusting person in the world, i really dont care. you cant help your looks, and i cant change your living habits, so place do i have in saying "oh em gee whats wrong with them?" i cant say that about you. i dont know your background, or your life.
9. i have a cell phone, but i dont put my number out there for everyone to see, if you want it, send me a message asking for it. ill give it to you. also, i dont use abbreviations in my messages (i.e. g2g, brb, jk, idk, idc, etc.) because to me, they seem to like a really immature way to talk to someone. this is just my personal convictions, im not saying dont use them at me, and im not telling you not to do them, its just me and i dont use them as much as possible. and i spell each word out as well. i dont do the "wat u do n?" or "talk 2 u l8r" stuff. that makes me mad, and i dont reply to messages that are like that for the sole purpose that it makes me feel like im talking to a two year old.
10. this may be a little farfetched for the age im at and most people would call it puppy love and all that, but ive fallen in love with the girl of my dreams. sure, shes not completely perfect in every way want, i mean, come on, no ones perfect. and youll never find that completely perfect girl for you cause no ones perfect. she comes pretty damn close though :). weve been through some pretty rough times, bad spots, things have happened that threw us off and made us never want to talk to each other ever again, but when all is said and done, we find out way back to each other, right back to where were supposed to be. where we both belong. no one ive ever been with or liked has ever come close to the way i feel about her, and the things we do together are unforgettable. were still in a rough patch, and it might be kind of hard now, but if were meant to be, like its turning out to me, well find a way to work it out. since february 2007 (with minor and major setbacks inbetween) <3 andrea nicole miller.
10b. you want to know what my definition of love is? love is the amazing feeling you get in the pit of your stomache when you see them smiling at you from across the room, love is what happens when you cant get them out of your mind after you do everything possible to get them out, love is that never ending want to have yous lips pressed tightly together, love is the anger that you get when they make you mad, but love is also the forgiveness you give after you make up. what is love to me? love is me and my baby girl. <3.
11. labels: emo, punk, scene, gangster, prep, etc.., they dont matter. life isnt about sticking to an image and trying to be like that person or whatever. i dont "follow the crowd" or anything. i wear what i want, when i want, why i want and how it want to wear it.
12. screw with my friends and youre screwed.
13. im pretty straightforeward. if theres something wrong with something going on, i will say so.
14. television is pointless. life is so much more than sitting there watching stupid shows that dont have any significance to your future.
15. ive found out in my very short existence in this world that pretty much everyone will screw you over, and im saying that in the nicest way possible. i wont do anything anymore without certainty that its going to be legit.
16. peer pressure doesnt affect me. i make my own decisions in life, no one can tell me to do something i dont want to do and you cant talk me into it. if i was going to do it anyways, then thats a different story.
17. ive been writing a lot of songs lately, music is my passion and my life. my future is music. there are few things in my life that i enjoy more than a good song, or a good jam session. i also have a band. were hoping to get going :P
18. self proclaimed daredevil and retard. i do dumb things, im crazy, i know. ive come to terms with that. ill do anything and everything that wont kill me (excluding drugs and alcohol). ill do anything to make people laugh.
19. i dont hide anything, i share my feelings and things that are going on with pretty much anybody. im an open book. if you want to know something, i will tell it to you.
20. im very trustworthy, i dont screw people over, and im probably the only guy you can come to in confidence without what you tell me getting out. ive never told a secret in my life, unless that secret was okayed to be let out. so if you ever need someone to talk to, im the one.
21. ive begun turning myspace into just my new blog site instead of the way it usually is. i dont like the adding a million friends and whatnot. so, ill get on when i have a new blog to write about. and id appreciate it very much if youd subscribe to my blog, because i like having readers, and people who care.
22. i have a different view on everything than you. ask me about it.