Born in Connecticut and moved deep in the heart of Texas in '92. After a few name changes and lots of adventures I am still here and have managed to aquire little southern twang. Let me assure you that the Texas Wildlife provides lots of unique entertainment.
In 2002 I met a wonderful man with two children on He was my 3rd date via and I am a believer in the third time is a charm! Six months later, add me, a serious boyfriend with two kids, mix together, shake gentley and voila you have an instant family. Four months later we were engaged and by Jan. 04 we were married in Las Vegas in the drive thru window!
In 2005, less than a year after a VERY successful vasectomy reversal surgery we were blessed with a precious little boy of our own who to this day I swear is an angel (I just haven't figured out where he hides his halo and wings). I have been a stay at home Mom since April 15, 2005, thanks to my former boss who fired me 3 days after returning from my maternity leave. I turned my focus to more important things and took on the full time job of being a full time extremely proud mother of my little man.