♥FeBe♥ profile picture



About Me

my name is amanda...
im 20...
i loVe 2 dance...
im also a college CHEERLEADER...
i do karate...
and im startin to compete again...
i loVe competition...
im practically engaged...
i have tons of nicknames...FeBe is my all time favorite...
happy to say i believe in love cause of him now...
im a preppy athletic girl...
i loVe being tan...
my deepest fear is that ill look back on my life and wonder what i did with it...
i act more confident than i really am...
i have many aquaintences but few friends...
i loVe the true friends that i do have...
im not a jealous person...
im a big STEELERS fan even though im from cleveland...
i dont like girls they cause too much drama...
i hate drama...
I have found that sometimes you need to break down so you can rebuild yourself...
i loVe to laugh and smile...
im very random...
i loVe being the center of attention...
i enjoy cheesy pick up lines...
i loVe any kind of music...
i loVe my friends there the best...
my family is craZy but so fun...
i loVe sports...
i work at ADIDAS...
i dont go to school anymore...
im very outgoing...
i loVe to make people laugh...
i loVe pulling pranks...
i loVe stayin in and watchin movies all day...
i loVe goin out and having fun...
im known as the girl you bring home to mom and dad...
im super nice if i like you...
if i dont like you just dont talk to me...
im a hopeless romantic...
i cant just sit around all day...
sometimes i wish i was laZy...
i loVe to sing and dance in the car...
im always honest...
i loVe dance parties w/ my shannon[russianspy]...
im not gonna lie im the biggest bitch...
i loVe learning new things...
im a big kid at heart...
i loVe movies...
im a bit of a party girl...
im super funny...
summer is the best season...
i hate cold weather...
im loud and craZy...
im everythin you didnt think id be and im nothin youve heard...
if you wanna know more just ask...
"people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people wont forget how you made them feel"

My Interests

[DaNcE] [cHeErLeAdInG] [fRiEnDs] [BoYs] [ShOpPiNg] [BeInG a LiFeGuArD aT gEaUgA lAkE] [wOrKiNg At Kb ToYs aT aUrOrA fArMs] [WoRkInG] [kArAtE] [bEiNg Me] [LaUgHiNg] [JuSt DrIvInG uNtIl We RuN oUt Of GaS] [pLaYiNg HiDe~N~gO~sEeK] [pUlLiNg PrAnKs] [DeCoRaTiNg PeOpLeS cAr] [GoInG tO tHe BeAcH] [sUrFiNg] [TaLk On ThE pHoNe] [SmIlInG fOr No ReAsOn At AlL] [bEiNg In LoVe] [SiNgInG iN tHe CaR] [wAtChInG tHe SuNrIsE] [wAtChInG tHe SuNsEt] [ThE oCeAn] [LiStEnInG tO mUsIc] [GoInG tO cOnCeRtS] [gOiNg To BaSeBalL gAmEs] [GoInG tO fOoTbAlL gAmEs] [PlAyInG sPoRtS] [wAtChInG mOvIeS] [bEiNg WiTh SoMeOnE i CaRe AbOuT] [cLuBbInG] [bEiNg WiTh My FaMiLy] [TaKiNg RoAd TrIpS] [bEiNg On VaCaTiOn] [HoLiDaYs] [MeEtInG nEw PeOpLe] [PaRtYiNg] [WaTcHiNg Tv] [BeInG sPoNtAnIoUs] [CoLoRiNg] [GeTtInG dReSsEd Up] [GoInG oUt To EaT] [hAvInG gIrLs NiGhTs OuT] [wAlKiNg In ThE sAnD] [bEiNg TaN] [jOkInG aRoUnD] [bOnD fIrEs] [WaTcHiNg FiReWoRkS] [tHe CoLoR pInK] [fAlLiNg AsLeEp In SoMeOnEs ArMs ThAt I cArE aBoUt] [WeArInG cOwBoY hAtS] [lItInG cAnDeLs] [IcE cReAm] [GeTtInG fAsT fOoD aT 3 aM] [gEtTiNg MaIl] [LoNg DiStAnCe PhOnE cAlLs] [CaLiFoRiNa] [BeInG cOmPeTiTiVe] [WiNnInG iS eVeRyThInG] [wAlKiNg ThE dOg] [RuNnInG] [tAkInG aWeSoMe PiCtUrEs] [BeInG iN pIcUrEs] [CuDdLiNg] [LaYiNg On ThE cOuCh] [SlEePiNg] [ScRaP bOoKiNg] [LoOkInG uP aT tHe StArS] [dAnCiNg In ThE mOoN lIgHt] [BeInG hApPy] [LiViNg LiFe To ThE fUlLeSt] [BeInG cRaZy] [BeInG kIsSeD aNd HuGgEd] [WaTcHiNg ThE rAiN fAlL] [tHuNdeR sToRmS] [pLaYiNg In ThE rAiN] [bEiNg KisSeD iN tHe RaIn] [LoUd MuSiC] [bIg SuNgLaSsEs] [RoLlErCoAsTeRs] [BeSt FrIeNdS] [lAuGhTeR tHaT tUrNs InTo TeArS] [sWiNgS] [fLiP fLoPs] [BeInG iN tHe SuN] [sWiMmInG] [gEtTiNg FlOwErS] [sUmMeR] [lOoKiNg Up At ThE sKy] [HaLlOwEeN] [mAkInG pEoPlE hApPy] [GoInG tO lUnCh WiTh OlD fRiEnDs] [WaTcHiNg HoMe ViDeOs] [FaSt CaRs] [PlAyInG a GaMe Of PoOl] [WeArIn HoOdIeS] [gEtTiNg My NaIlS dOnE] [hOt ShOwErS] [gOiNg To A fRiEnDs HoUsE tO eScApE yOuRs] [WeEkEnDs] [StAyIn OuT lAtE] [hAvInG wAtEr FiGhTs] [SlEdDiNg] [WaTcHiNg ThE sNoW fAlL] [mAkInG sNoW aNgElS] [hAvInG sNoW bAlL fIgHtS] [bEiNg InDePeNdEnT] [aChIvInG mY gOaLs] [HaViNg No WoRrIeS] [lIvInG lIfE tO tHe FuLlEsT] [sTaNdInG uP fOr MySeLf] [HaViNg DrEaMs] [FeElInG sPeCiAl] [WaTcHiNg My NePhEw GrOw Up] [mY tEdDy BeAr] [DoInG sWeEt ThInGs FoR tHe OnE i LoVe] [WrItTiNg LeTtErS] [kEePiNg In ToUcH wItH oLd FrIeNdS] [dOiNg PeOpLeS mAkE~uP] [bEiNg A gOoF] [hOlDiNg HaNdS wItH sOmEoNe I lOvE] [tHe PaRk] [BeInG a FoOl] [GeTtInG a SpEcIaL gLaNcE fRoM tHaT sPeCiAl SoMeOnE] [lAuGhInG fOr No ReAsOn At AlL] [wAlKiNg UnDeR tHe StArS] [eXpLoRiNg NeW tHiNgS] [wReStLiNg] [GrAdUaTiNg HiGh ScHoOl] [TrYiNg NeW ThInGs] [HaViNg DiNnEr WiTh SoMeOnE SpEcIaL] [dAnCiNg In ThE dRiVeWaY] [mAkInG mEmOrIeS]

I'd like to meet:

i already have my prince charming...&&&


anything really...


This layout is from whateverlife.com!


my father