BÖNSAI KITTEN FILMS or death by enema! profile picture

BÖNSAI KITTEN FILMS or death by enema!

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

right now, you may be asking yourself a couple questions, and allow me to help you out with some answers.
1. what the hell is the bonsai kitten films?
bonsai kitten films is a comedy troupe, producing internet films for your viewing pleasure. "seriously deranged comedy" has been our motto for some time now, and we take it very seriously. The team is made up of John Bryan, Tom Hynes, David Strauss, and Jessica Licciardello and our cast has been highlighted by cameos featuring a number of other friends of ours, who you can find all on the movies page.
2. what the hell happened to your old website?
well, like all things, anything that stays the same too long gets stagnant and boring. and stagnant and boring isn't funny. and we do funny. so this site is up as a simple, more maneuverable website that you can get info about us and the movies and be on your way, like your online drive-thru window for comedy. but i wouldn't eat the fish tacos.
3. i was grossly offended by your film about the exploding dog.
good, then mission accomplished. go cry to your mommy, sissyboy.
4. i loved your movie about the serial killer baby alien.
fuck you man, that's just uncalled for and rude. don't make me get my lawyer.
5. what's in the works for the future?
well, we've got a couple new movies in the works as well as plans to do a couple live comedy shows in the NY area. we also will have a new website up sometime soon (so you don't have to suffer with this crap) with tons more pics and info. so make sure to check back on the site often, because new shit will be up all the time. speaking of new shit, there's two new trailers up on the movies page- a teaser for our newest movie, "the big date", and a trailer for "baby on board 2". go get em!
Earlier this week, i submitted the BKF link to the stella online community on livejournal, looking for a little feedback, maybe a couple new fans. The response was awesome- so i figured i would post some of the reviews of the movies up here!
"Stop making God cry." "Stoner's carol was bad. Big Date was way too amatuerish." "that's lame." "That took no creativity whatsoever." "...stop imitating Stella." "moron."
and now, my personal favorite:
"now, perhaps the joke is on me...but I just watched Golf and Fluffy Gets It and saw no point to either one. I'm not saying this to be nasty, just stating my thoughts. I mean, the Fluffy one is about an exploding dog, check, I got that much. but what else? and golf? saw zero point to that, still trying to wrap my head around it.. ...unless of course you were making them funny by having them be unfunny. which, in that case, you sir are a genius."
So in the end, thanks everyone for all the kind words and loving support. BKF doesn't die, we're like polio bitches.
...uh, before penicillin.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

jesus. so i could finally know if i'm going to hell for the movie we're about to make about him. he's probably got a good sense of humor. after all, his dad did make the duck-billed platypus, and leprecy. good ol' leprecy.

My Blog

**UPDATED** Want a BKFilm on your myspace?

Movies on your myspace pages are all the rage right now...and what could be cooler than having a Bonsai Kitten Film on your myspace homepage! Well, here are the codes, and its now so easy, even a stel...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Apr 2005 07:20:00 GMT

Want a BKFilm on your myspace?

Movies on your myspace pages are all the rage right now...and what could be cooler than having a Bonsai Kitten Film on your myspace homepage! Well, here are the codes, and its now so easy, even a stel...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:16:00 GMT