+*anGeLkirsteN&betterhaLf* + watChiNg tv&mOvieS + freNch friEs + winnie the pOoh*** + shoppiNg + drew barrymOore*** + sLeepiNg** + GYM + rapeLLinG + wall climbinG
any0ne ++ oNe whO will compLeteS my fairytaLe,one whO wiLL understand me & accepts aLL my fLaws in Life and the one whO wiLL make me happy but gLad i f0und him aLready...*** long lost friends
...RnB, aCoustiCs, aLterNativEs & Love sOngS**** --- "iN my LifE", LovE Of my LifE", "thrOugh 'd yearS"**
---@DREW BARRYMORE mOviEs@--::: hOme frieS, ridiNg in carS wd bOys, never bEEn kiSSed, dupLex, catS, ever afteR, weddiNg siNgeR
3Rs, F, dark anGeL, mobiLe kusina, HBO
seLf-heLf bOokS
**anGeL kirsten&better haLf***