St. Jude angel Emma Grace profile picture

St. Jude angel Emma Grace

About Me

Born on earth: September 21, 2000
Danced thru Heaven's Gates: June 6, 2005
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt 19:14 NIV

This I Know (For Emma Grace)
To the world it is a tragedy.
To us, it remains a mystery
Why this baby girl has had to suffer so.
But the Bible tells us Jesus’ grace
Has flown her to a higher place
Where things make sense and everything’s made right.
And those blue eyes see clearly what we can’t
Tiny ears are listenin’ to a live angel band
She’s dancin’ round the Lord on little tippy toes
Singin’ Jesus loves me this I know.
Though it seems our hearts will break now
As we say our earth’s goodbyes,
We know it’s not that long before we meet
Together in some fancy place our Father’s made for us.
We’ll bow down with Emma Grace at His Son’s feet.
And those blue eyes see clearly what we can’t
Tiny ears are listenin’ to a live angel band
She’s dancin’ round the Lord on little tippy toes
Singin’ Jesus loves me this I know.
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Today He told me so.
And those blue eyes see clearly what we can’t
Tiny ears are listenin’ to a live angel band
She’s dancin’ round the Lord on little tippy toes
Singin’ Jesus loves me this I know.
Words and music written by Nancy Jesser-Halsey June 7, 2005


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Why St. Jude for Your Child’s Solid Tumor Treatment?

    Our experienced team of physicians and researchers have dedicated their lives to finding cures for children just like yours -- children who suffer from solid tumors such as neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, and sarcomas, among others.Our Solid Tumor Team was the first to develop treatment that proved effective in curing more than 50 percent of patients with neuroblastoma, the second most common solid tumor in children. The cure rate for the following solid tumors has also increased:Ewing Sarcoma from 5 percent in 1962 to 75 percent in 2003Retinoblastoma from 75 percent in 1962 to 95 percent in 2003Rhabdomyosarcoma from 30 percent in 1962 to 75 percent in 2003
    Wilms Tumor from 50 percent in 1962 to 90 percent in 2003
  • At St. Jude, a comprehensive team including oncologists, radiation treatment specialists and ophthalmologists (eye-specialists), form one of the largest groups dedicated to the treatment of the rare and highly curable eye tumor retinoblastoma.St. Jude investigators are experts in the treatment of rare but devastating pediatric cancers such as melanoma, colon cancer, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In addition, with support from basic scientists we are uncovering the genetic hallmarks of adrenocortical carcinoma, a very rare tumor. This could lead to earlier detection in families at risk and insights into prevention and treatment.For bone tumors, the Solid Tumor Team leads a multidisciplinary effort that includes experts in orthopedic surgery, radiology, physical therapy and oncology. The efforts of this group have resulted in the introduction of new drugs (carboplatin, ifosfamide) to treat osteosarcoma, new imaging techniques (DEMRI) that evaluate the response of tumors to treatment yet avoid the use of X-rays, and new surgical techniques such as limb-sparing and expandable prosthetic devices that prevent the need for amputation and encourage growth of the affected limb.St. Jude presently has the only pediatric study evaluating the safety of Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) technique in children with desmoid tumors (also known as fibromatosis) and other recurrent solid tumors.St. Jude plays a unique leadership role in identification of potential new active drugs such as irinotecan and topotecan, which are now used to the benefit of children with rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma worldwide.The St. Jude Solid Tumor Team has identified key features of soft-tissue sarcomas that help predict which patients are at risk for local recurrence or metastatic spread. These findings will lead to better defining which patients may benefit from additional treatment after surgery, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Click the links on the left to read more about our treatment program, treatment team, and why St. Jude is the best place for your child’s solid tumor treatment.

    To find out about enrolling your child in one of our clinical studies, have your physician call our toll free number.

    1-866-2ST-JUDE (1-866-278-5833)
    or fax relevant information to
    (901) 495-4011

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