AiZaT-MaLeH-AbY profile picture


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About Me

dumb..stupid..kind of an idiot..crap..shit..ugly..evil..discusting..well you guess none of it..who am i?

My Interests

Im not sure but my guess is that anything that makes me hepi that such things that interest that ok!

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More fwens..........



greAt muSic iS thAt whIch pEnetrAtEs tHe eAr wiTh faCilitY aNd lEaVes tHe meMorY wiTh diFfiCulty...MaGical mUsiC NeVer leAvEs tHe mEmoRy...muSiC eXpresSes tHat wHhiCh caNnoT bE pUt iNtO wOrDs AnD tHat wHiCh cAnnOt rEmaIn sIlEnT...mUsIc spEakS WhAt cAnnOt bE eXpresSed, sOothEs tHe mInD aNd giVes iT rEsT, hEaLs thE heaRt aNd mAkeS iT whOle, fLowS frOm heAvEn To tHe sOuL...


thEre iS sO muCh To WatcH..bUt i Guess oNly fEw caUght mY inTerest..Let sEe..emm..Lets stArt wIth StAr wArS SaGa..FrOm epIsoDe I,II,III,IV,V & VI..thEn LOTr(lOrd Of thE rIngs)thE trIlOgy..hArry pOttEr..till prEsent sErIes..thE gOblEt Of fIrE..Da Vinci CodE..sEpEt & gUbrA..CintA alSo kInD oF nIcE..aLl DISNEY carToOns..eSpeCiallY bEauty & tHe BeasT..gReat sOngs iN tHat..oH.Oh.nOt tO 4gEt alL tImE faVouRite..tHe sOund oF mUsiC..


This is my updated version of my favourite t.V shoWs..Fr!endS..thEn oF cOs tHe O.c..pRison BrEak(that sCofield is sO gEnius)CSI..wHich one..all 3 of ThEm..HoUse M.d..nOw waIting fOr aNy nEw sHows daT FitS mE..


HaRry PotTer & tHe pHilosoPher sTone..tHe cHamBer of sEcRets, ThE prIsOner of aZkaBan,The goBleT oF fIrE,thE orDer Of tHe pHoEniX,ThE haLf blOoD pRinCe...tHe dA vIncI cOdE...


mE, mYselF aNd i..Jaffar ABD Majid(mY lAte gRandFathEr)..SheIkh abdUlLah(mY Father)..adoLf HiTler(can I pIck hIm??cAn I?cAn i?)hEhEhE...