Ok..so have I perked your interest? Let's continue then...Do you really want to know who I would like to meet? I don't think that really much matters at this point. It's not so much as who I would like to meet
as much as who I would like to introduce you to.
If you don't know that God loves you
and that His son was given to show you
how much He really does love you,
then I would like to introduce you
to the only person who ever showed
the most selfless love to all mankind,
The Lord Jesus Christ.
You are valuable and important to God.
You ARE acceptable......Did you get that??? YOU ARE ACCEPTABLE TO GOD!Imagine...a brand new life..an EXTREME life makeover! You might be thinking...Could that really happen? Is that possible? How can my life up to this point be erased? How can I change everything in my past? How would I do that? Who could do that?..... Well, God can do that! Not only can He do that but He is just waiting for the opportunity to show you that He really WILL do that!... Now let's get a few things straight first......He won't change the place you were born or the family you were born with. And He won't wave a magic wand and make you have a straight nose or perfect teeth or change the color of your skin or make you wake up with the face you think would make you happy. And He isn't about wiping from your memory the fact that maybe lots of bad stuff happened to you in the past at the hands of other people that you had no control over. Nor will He wipe away your choices that got you in the middle of the big mess you might be in this very moment. And He may not change the fact that you may have been given something in or about your life that you never asked for. Let me tell you what God WILL do for your life makeover....
God will begin this new life changing process by starting with YOU. He will begin by changing something deep down inside your heart. He will attempt to help you change the way you feel about yourself and others. He will attempt to help you change the way you deal with your pain, guilt and shame and the skeletons and demons in your closet. He will change the way you see other's and the way you look at the world around you. You see.... God is not about getting vengance on people who have hurt you, or about transporting you out of every bad situation you get into or about giving you everything you think you will ever need to make you happy. Nor is He about making you give up everything you love to do, or taking all the fun things in life away from you till you are nothing but a zombie, church going groupie who walks around carrying a bible everywhere you go...... Yes, you're right, there are people who are like that. But that's probably because they too were at one point in their life just like you, and needed to have a life makeover too and they just want everyone else to experience what happened to them in their life makeover transformation. Some of them may have been so messed up on drugs or addictions and they could not get over the pain of the abuse they experienced at the hands of a trusted loved one. Some of them may have felt they just could never do anything right...and some even felt they never did anything wrong, but that they were the ones who were just not treated nice all their life or were abandoned and never felt loved, accepted or needed. But the pain..oh the pain deep down inside of them was more than they could bear. No matter what was their reason, their answers will probably all be the same. They too were at this very same point that you are at right now. Feeling like your standing at the edge of a cliff, wondering to yourself... "what's this life for?"............ So...what do you do now? Do you jump? Do you end it all, throw in the towel on life and give up??..... What if there really is truth to what I am saying? What if all these people walking around with bibles really do know something that really works? What if all this "Jesus stuff" really can make a difference? Do you think that is possible ? Do you think that is absurd? Do you think there is just no way and that things are just too bad....that the answer just couldn't be that easy???Watch the videos below. You just might find the answer you're looking for.