Wow haven't updated this jaunts in a while. I'm currently a freshman journalism major attending the University of Maryland (go terps. woot.). I can be pretty shy at times but when the moment's right, I go buckwild. I love people watching (no, not the same as stalking) and writing stories about random stuff that happens. My friends are my family, and there's no messing with them or I guarantee you my profile quote will go into effect. I aspire to one day become a famous journalist (or just someone who can do their job and dress fashionably). Maybe if I stop being so lazy this will come true :) I love driving around in my sexy volvo station wagon/pimpmobile/soccermom car/shaggin wagon. The end.%D%A ..%D%A%D%A
Which celebrity will you bang? by ahhlee
how many times? 4
Quiz created with MemeGen ! %D%A%D%ATake the quiz: "What Disney Princess Are You?"
You can swim, flip, dive and be one with fish...WHY DO YOU WANT MORE?%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!